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My dearest readers,

10,000 reads. Ten freakin' thousand reads. And counting!

I never expected this story to be read as much as 10,000, let alone have the story finish a little over a year. The Housemaid began on FEBRUARY 9, 2013, and soon, it is about to end.

I'm honestly speechless. I really don't know how to describe this milestone. 

When I look back at the author's note I wrote when The Housemaid had been read 1,000 times, it amuses me (read here:; back then I had very little idea of what the end of this story will be like. I thought I was set. Now, 21 chapters later, I have it.  It's interesting how you hear about authors in real life advising writers to start your conclusion to your story first--but to me, it inevitably changes. I saw that while writing the whole story. Since it's very close to the end, I know how the story will end.

I am currently working on the last chapter, and so many emotions are swarming around me. It's the finale, the end of the line. I'm going to try to end it as perfect as possible with the hope that it will satisfy every single one of you who have been reading this since the very beginning. 

Thank you guys SO much for your undying support, your votes, feedback...everything. I appreciate every single one of you and honestly...not sure what will come after The Housemaid. I guess we will see! :)


-- Liz

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