The Housemaid - Chapter Twenty-Seven

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NOTE: Sorry for deleting the first upload....the format made me uber upset, so I have to reupload the chapter again)

Anyway, TOLD YOU I'LL HAVE AN UPDATE BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. Two days before my birthday. This chapter will ease your mind....hopefully.

27 Real or Not Real?

“Wha…what do you mean we’ve been living a lie?” Christine asked in obvious confusion, “Do you mean…you’re not a real boy band and my sister has been obsessing with a fake—?”

“No, no, no…we-we’re a real band, I promise you.” Tom assured her with a nervous chuckle. “Um…what I meant was…ah…”

He covered his face with his hands and cursed in them. Christine waited expectantly, patiently for answers. Whatever it was he wanted to tell her, it must’ve been really hard for him to say it aloud.

“…Maybe it’s best if the girls and I aren’t in the room.” Penny suggested. “This is between you boys and Christine.”

“Yeah, I’d better, uh…leave the room, also.” Eric stood up, with Christine still tugging on his shirt. He turned to her with a soft smile. “Chris, whatever you do…just hear them out, okay?”

“Oh…okay?” Christine watched the two unfamiliar girls head out with Penny, followed by Eric. She still wanted to know who those girls were; maybe the band will explain soon.

As Eric closed the door, and it was just the six of them now, Tom looked back to his band mates while chewing on his bottom lip. 

“Go on, mate.” Max encouraged him. Siva and Nathan nodded. Jay, however, stood up from his seat and went beside Tom, apparently for some support. Christine narrowed her eyes.

“As…we were saying…” Jay spoke for Tom, who looked slightly relieved towards him. “In…in the last month or so…we’ve been…”

“We’ve been using you as a bet to see how long a housemaid could last living with us.” Tom spoke quickly and bit his tongue.

Christine blinked. “…What?”

Tom sighed, “We—”

“I got what you said…what?”

“I swear this was not…entirely our idea—” Tom continued.

 “We are so incredibly sorry.” Jay said with a frown.  

“Your feelings for me weren’t real, were they?” Christine scoffed, staring at both Tom and Jay.

“At the start, no, but—”

“Mate!” Tom pushed him aside.

“I should have known.” Christine’s eyes quickly began to water as she stood up and brushed past Tom and Jay, who were both busy arguing about the truth.

She felt a hand touch her wrist. “Chris, wait. Please—don’t go.”

She turned her head to see that it was Nathan—the first real guy friend she made; the first guy she opened her heart to. Now finding out how they really felt about her, she couldn’t look at him as a friend anymore. More tears spilled down her face.

“If you could just let us explain, h-how much we didn’t mean to hurt you, how much we all love you—”

“How the hell can I trust you now after you telling me that I’m just a bet? Like it’s the past all over again?” Christine removed her arm from Nathan’s touch.

Jay came over and sighed.  “Because you’re not, and I’m sorry my words came out wrong.” 

“Chris, please stay.” Tom begged. “We’ve been trying to find the right time and place to explain this to you…how much it pained us to act like idiots around you.”

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