The Housemaid - Chapter Nine

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NOTE: Confession: I think the reason why I haven’t written this next chapter straight after is because I was upset with what I wrote about between Christine and Jay in the last two chapters. LOL. Just thought you all should know that.


Christine observed their dorm room while Erin was out. She noticed how completely spotless and shiny the room was. Her things were still left untouched, which was a good thing. Erin wasn’t the snoopy type as she presumed. However, she realized that her plate was missing.

Erin came back with two bottled waters, a plate of steaming food, and a sweet smile on her face. “Sorry for taking a while. I ran into Lyla for a moment; she seemed distracted, as usual…but this isn’t about her. How are you now, good?”

“Yeah…yes. Thanks.” Christine drank some of the water from the bottle.

“I also warmed up the food for you, since it was getting a little cold. Actually, I switched it to a whole new plate.” Erin handed her the plate with a fork. “I know you’re hungry, so I figured…”

“Oh, no, it’s fine. Thanks so much.” Christine smiled up at her with gratitude. “You have done so much for me already…”

“Alright…well, I hate to cut this short, but Greg is calling me up back to the kitchen so…” Erin frowned. “I’m glad you’re okay now. Whatever it is that you want to let out, we can talk about it later tonight, okay? Just take it one step at a time. But, if you do have one of those episodes again, you know where to find me.”

She placed her hand on her arm softly. Already Erin was like a big sister Christine never had. It made her want to cry.

Christine watched her walk towards the door slowly as she finally took a bite of the roast beef. It was mouth-watering. She closed her eyes to savor the taste.

“Oh, Chris?” Christine opened her eyes to see Erin’s back turned on her; she turned around and leaned against the doorframe. “Jay’s asking for you. The guys are leaving in an hour or so to head down to the studio for the afternoon, so…I guess you could see to him and ask what’s up?”

Erin finally left the room. The thought of confronting Jay about this morning still left Christine in uncertainty. She chewed on her lip, staring at the Harry Potter book that was still sitting on her bed. She didn’t know why she felt that way especially when she still hardly knew the guy. They were friends. He was not exactly a potential…

Christine glanced at the door again, just to make sure Erin wasn’t still watching her, and continued to eat her lunch. Half an hour later, after freshening up and fixing her hair, she walked back to the main floor and headed to the stock room upstairs.

She passed by Jenna and Matt in the kitchen washing the dishes, and Sandy having a conversation with Aaron and Chef Greg outside by the pool. She also passed by Max, Nathan, and Siva playing the XBOX in the living room. The three of them were heavily into the game, with Siva cheering Max and Nathan on. This gave Christine a chance to sneak past them without them knowing.

Grinning for that successful tactic, she skipped over that last step as she reached the second floor. She continued down the hall towards the stockroom to grab the last bedding replacement of the day, which was for Tom’s room. She still didn’t know if she could go in there, since she last saw Tom and Ashley go inside together.

Humming a random tune, she made her way to Tom’s room, suddenly feeling anxious. The door was still closed, and the whole floor was silent. The only sounds she heard were Nathan and Max throwing every profanity word out there downstairs. She stood across the staircase, hesitant to knock on Tom’s door.

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