The Housemaid - Chapter Eight

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NOTE: Just a little plug. While you're waiting for The Housemaid to update, why not go read my other stories? Secrets has been update recently (it has 21 chapters) and Bewitched (currently with prologue + 4 chapters). That is all.

edit -- there's an added note at the end!


Christine wasn’t sure what was going on at this point. She was led to Jay’s room instead of Tom’s, and there was a girl in his bed. Was Lyla just messing around with her, or was she doing this in spite of her…or Jay?

Quietly, she turned to leave the room, still trying to form what had happened. She closed the door behind her, and saw Jay leaving the workout room with a water bottle in hand. He walked over to her with that charming smile on his face. He didn’t charm her this time. “Hey—are you assigned to my room, then?”

“Um…no.” Christine replied slowly. Now that he was in front of her, the thought of wanting to spend a moment with him disappeared. That nameless naked girl on his bed distracted her, and perhaps annoyed. She somehow felt disappointed in him, and surprised…she didn’t expect him to be that guy. “I think…it’s already in use.”

She avoided his gaze and looked to her left, where she found Lyla walking from the stock room, carrying a laundry basket. She gasped loudly. “Oh, oh shit. I meant the room next to the workout room. Sorry.”

“Excuse me.” Christine excused herself from Jay, still feeling his eyes on her. She aimed past Tom’s supposed bedroom, and walked towards the library. From the corner of her eye, she watched him realize what just happened, and why she was acting different towards him. He eyed Lyla darkly, who entered Max’s room, which was across from Christine. Before Jay did anything else, she shut herself in the library.

The room full of books. Christine could stay in here all day. She felt herself being lured towards the bookshelves, to read each and every one of them. That could help her escape from the disappointment she encountered just a few minutes ago. But as much as she wanted to read a book, she had to do her job, at that was to clean the rooms she was assigned to.

She dusted every shelf, furniture, and removed the trash. When she reopened the door to set the trash aside, it was eerily quiet. Siva had left the vacuum right next to the door. She couldn’t help but smile over his little gesture.

After vacuuming, she went back to the storage room to dump the trash in the large trash bin, and moved on to the guest room and did the same procedure she had done with the past two rooms. At least it was less messy than expected.

Christine was on her way to Tom’s room. She looked at the clock in the hallway, which read 11:15am. She already almost looked like she was worn out; some parts of her hair strands came loose from her tight bun. Tiny sweat beads began to escape from her forehead. She felt the heat coming within her.

She missed her first break, but she had no signs of stopping soon. She wanted to finish Tom’s and the workout room before the lunch hour. Cleaning really helped her keep her mind off of things.

As she walked down to Tom’s room carrying cleaning supplies, she saw Tom, casually dressed for the day, walk out from the library, with a book in hand. She paused in her steps; Tom, reading? She tilted her head to the right to catch a glimpse. The book looked as large as a dictionary. It had a white cover wrapped around the book.

“Oh hey!” He said cheerfully, which caught her off guard. “How’s it going? Working hard, I see.”

Christine wiped the sweat from her forehead. “Going to the second to last room! Yours actually.” She replied and continued walking. A smirk came across her face when she noticed him quickly walking after her.

The Housemaid [in edit]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz