The Housemaid - Chapter Twenty-Six

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NOTE: Hey! Long time no update, right?! So I'm done with finals this week and I'm finally able to type in what I have been holding in my brain for literally two weeks. This is the chapter that begins that crazy idea I had since (as mentioned in my Twitter)--I hope you like it.

Also, expect more updates this winter break as I have some time to work on this story. :)

26 Fall Apart

“Tom, I think we should go down there.” Christine breathed. She and Tom had moved into his bedroom, on his bed…and were still unable to part from each other. They had been locking lips for a little over five minutes now and surprisingly, neither was tired of it.

He pulled away slightly, furrowed his brows, and slowly moved his hands down to his belt buckle. “Do you mean…”

“God, no!” She yelped suddenly, which surprised Tom. She sighed in a normal tone of voice. “I-I…not yet…I meant…downstairs. They might be looking for us.”

“Oh.” He nodded, finally understanding what she meant. He smirked. “Why go downstairs when we can have our own little party here?”

He leaned in and kissed her again, soft and sweet. Christine immediately gave in, already used to his touch: being close to him, his hand squeezing her hair gently, and her hands resting on his chest…she didn’t want to let go of this newfound experience with him just yet; she wanted to explore so much more, but there was plenty of time for that. She knew that right now, there was a party going on, and perhaps friends who were wondering where she and Tom were off to.

She moved her hand to his lips to part and said softly, “You know I’d love to do this for the rest of the night—” She felt Tom’s lips peck the palm of her hand, which tickled, “—but I think we should at least take a breather.”

“Mmkay.” He mumbled into her hand, tickling it more. She rolled her eyes playfully as he removed her hand against his lips and held it. “You’re sure?”

“Yes! Now come on,” She crawled off the bed and headed to the door, “I wanna see what the others—”

The moment Christine opened the door she moved back; immediately four familiar young men, also known as Tom’s bandmates tumble forward in front of her. It was déjà vu, as Christine remembered that first day she was in the library, when they did the exact same thing.

Tom stood next to her and laughed, watching his friends scramble up to stand, exchanging curse words at each other. “You lads couldn’t wait, could ya?”

“Not like that…” Jay sighed in slight frustration. Christine narrowed her eyes; she thought Jay was completely drunk earlier...

The four boys stood in front of them, all for some reason hesitant to say anything else. Tom and Christine looked at them expectantly, now wondering why they came up in the first place.

Nathan cleared his throat. “It’s…um…it’s something else.”

He eyed Tom as if it were some sort of signal. Christine watched this exchange between two of them, and was more confused than ever.

“It’s Aaron.” Max blurted. “He, uh…he wants us to see us.”

Tom blinked in surprised. “What, at this hour? At…” He briefly turned to look at his clock. “At 10 o’ clock at night? Why does he want to see us?”

“No idea, mate,” Siva shrugged. “He just sent us all an email to see him at his office in half an hour; he’s sending a driver for us straightaway.”  

The Housemaid [in edit]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon