The Housemaid - Chapter Fourteen

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Note: This is what I get for a four day weekend--time to write. And today I managed to make an update! I hope this chapter doesn't confuse you too much... ;) If it does...they will be due time...

Also, buy Walks Like Rihanna on iTunes!!! It came out today (strangely they announced it this morning right before it comes out....)


That night Christine couldn’t sleep. She continuously tossed and turned in her bed with jumbled thoughts in her head. It was two hours after she and Erin had said their goodnights, when she finally fell asleep.

But when she opened her eyes again, something was different…

She was in a different room. She surveyed the room and quickly realized she’d been here before. She recognized all of the rock band posters on the wall. She was in Tom’s room.

She was sitting on his desk chair already dressed in her uniform. How she was already in her daily outfit, she didn’t know. She’d never slept in them, let alone tried to wrinkle them. She stood up and began to wander.

Tom’s bed was unmade, but he wasn’t in it. She brushed her hand along the messy bed sheets, taking in the remnant smell of cologne. He had always smelled good, she knew that.

As she stood there, Christine realized she wasn’t exactly sure why she was in Tom’s room in the first place: Was it for her daily duties or was it confrontation? He wasn’t hers to begin with…

She scrunched a part of the bed sheet and doubted herself. He wanted Lyla. He’d betray Nathan for Lyla, and since he left her, that was clear enough.

As if on cue, she felt Tom’s presence near her. He slowly moved in behind her, his hand stroking down her arm until he reached the back of her hand. She released her grip of the sheets as he whispered in her ear, “Sorry I left…I’m really glad you’re here.”

Christine turned to face him with her heart thumping against her chest. She asked softly. “Why am I here?”

She noticed how close he was to her. It would be a good time for her to leave, but just this once, she decided not to.

“I think you know why…” She watched him lean closer, his eyes fixated on her. She found herself leaning closer, too, with their noses nuzzling against each other softly. She closed her eyes, parting her lips slightly, before finally, his soft lips slowly touched hers…

Christine woke up to the sound of thunder. She blinked her eyes a few times and kept them wide open. What just happened?

She shifted her eyes left to right before she sat up. The small window right below the ceiling showed rain drops hitting against it. It had started raining the moment she woke up. She turned to check on Erin; she was still fast asleep. Now that it was raining, there was no way Christine was going back to sleep.

She removed the covers from her body and rubbed her eyelids. The time was 2:30am according to the wall clock. That dream she just woke up to…what did it mean?

She touched her bottom lip with the tip of her index finger. It felt so real. His lips were soft to the touch. But it was only a dream…

She wanted to confide in Erin about this dream, but she didn’t want to interrupt her sleep. In fact, she didn’t want to wake anyone up in the basement. She got out of bed and started climbing upstairs to the main floor.

To her surprise, the kitchen lights were on. Its lights glowed around the door. Christine slowly pushed the door open. She heard the kettle hissing on the stove, and immediately sensed that someone was already in the kitchen. When she opened the door further, she saw Max in a white plain shirt and boxer shorts, looking out for the kettle.

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