chapter twenty two

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022begin the beginseason two, episode thirteen !

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begin the begin
season two, episode thirteen !

"Three, two..." George slowly nodded from the bathroom, where him and Izzie were hiding from their new dog, Doc, who was not as cute as he looked.

Suddenly, a high pitched scream erupted through the house, causing the pair to turn and face one another. "One."

They two of them took a step away from the door, allowing Marnie, who was still in her pajamas, to scurry in, exhaling as she closed the door behind her. "He chewed my slippers." She frowned, holding the remains of her blue, fluffy sliders.

"You know, I'm thinking about colouring my hair," Izzie changed the subject, sipping on her coffee. "Maybe red."

George pursed his lips at the image, "Red's good."

"I like red." Marnie agreed.

"I'm thinking about cutting mine." He continued.

The shorter woman emitted a gasp, turning wide eyed, "I'll cut it. Oh, you'd look good short."

"Oh, you're such a good dog! Who's a good boy? Who's mommy's good boy?"

The three interns shared the same perplexed look, taking a simultaneous step back as George opened the door. He slowly poked his head around, the two blonde's following after him.

Meredith, who was stood in the hall stroking their dog, furrowed her brow at her roommates. "What are you guys doing in there? We're gonna be late."

"We need to talk about the dog." The O'Malley man begged.

Izzie nodded, pressing her hands to her hips, "We really need to talk about the dog."

"I don't chew up his clothes. I don't urinate on his bed. I don't try to mount him from behind!"

"People, he's our dog!" The dirty blonde scolded, "We love our dog, he loves us."

"I'm sorry, Mer. I love dogs, but he is not a dog!" Marnie whined, "He is a creature of Satan. Look at my slippers!"

After successfully not getting attacked on their way out of the house, the interns made it to work and got changed into their scrubs, hurrying to a meeting with the Chief about a new rule.

"Listen up, people. New year, new rules. Or should I say, new year, and we will be enforcing the rules mandated by the residency review committee. There were too many mistakes made last year. Fatigue played too big a role. Exceeding 80 hours of work per week will not be tolerated."

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