chapter forty four

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044wishin' and hopin' season three, episode fourteen !

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wishin' and hopin'
season three, episode fourteen !

It had been two weeks since death of George's father and things were different to say the least. Him and Callie were back together, and had taken his compassionate leave as a chance to go away on vacation together. Meanwhile, thanks to Marnie and Meredith's persuasion, Izzie had finally deposited her cheque from Denny, and invested it into something meaningful.

"Welcome to the Denny Duquette Memorial Clinic." Dr. Bailey grimaced, leading four of her interns into the newly established building. "Barring any surgical emergencies, you will be working here today."

Cristina furrowed her brow as she stared at the row of empty beds. "Working on what?"

Her resident only glared at her in response. "Right now, Olivia will be familiarising you with the protocol for the flu vaccine."

The Stevens woman's eyes widened as she turned around, spotting Alex curiously rifling through some supplies. "No, no, don't touch that!" She scolded, causing him to jump back, holding up his hands in a bid of surrender. "That was $79!"

Cristina raised her brows at Izzie's tone, folding her arms over her chest and sauntering over. "This is hell. I have got to get out of here." She whispered.

"I don't know." Marnie pursed her lips, looking around the room, "I think it's quite nice. Beats the ER, anyway."

"Burke has a bloodless pulmonary valve translocation flying in tomorrow. I should be preparing."

"Oh, you don't get to scrub in on that." Alex said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"How do you know?"

He smirked at her, "Because I am."

The double doors to the clinic suddenly opened up, and in came walking Dr. Sloan and Dr. Webber, with wide smiles on their faces. "Dr. Bailey." Mark nodded, "Congratulations on the opening of the clinic."

But the Chief couldn't help but notice the emptiness of the room. "It is open, isn't it?"

"Is she alright?" Mark hummed, furrowing his brows at the Stevens woman, who didn't seem to be moving.

Dr. Bailey merely nodded, "She's watching the door."

Suddenly, a figure was seen approaching the door, and Izzie visibly perked up at the prospect. "Someone's coming!" She excitedly beamed, but no one else seemed to look up from what they were doing.

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