chapter thirty two

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032damage caseseason two, episode twenty four !

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season two, episode twenty four !

"Then he asked me about Derek!" Meredith exclaimed, plucking her eyebrows in the bathroom mirror whilst she told Marnie and Izzie about her date with Doc's vet, Finn.

"What did you say to him?" The Stevens woman curiously asked, placing a whitening strip over her teeth.

"Nothing! I fled the scene."

She pursed her lips, adjusting the strip, "You didn't tell him about George either?"


"Oh, my god!" An excited Marnie gasped from behind the shower curtain, her voice slightly muffled from the sound of the water. "You like him!" She shouts.

"I could like him." Meredith corrected.

"Hm." Izzie supposed, perching on the end of the bathtub. "Is the sex any good?"

The dirty blonde only shrugged, continuing to pluck her eyebrows with a small pair of tweezers from the cupboard. "I don't know. We haven't done it."

"Really? Four dates and two sleepovers at his place and no sex? Not even a kiss goodnight?"

"Not everything's about sex!" Marnie quickly interjected from the shower, although given her current relationship, she probably wasn't the best person to make that statement - but Izzie didn't need to know that.

The taller woman simply raised her brow. "I respectfully disagree, but, oh, I am proud. I am like a proud mama!"

"Shut up," Meredith blushed, stuffing the tweezers back into the drawer. However, her smile was quick to fade when she caught a glimpse of Callie in the mirror that causes both her and the Stevens woman to turn their heads around.

Since he still paid rent and it was technically still his room, George had decided to move back into the house, bringing Callie with him. Though, since he was still yet to make up with Meredith, despite Marnie's constant reminders, things were just a tad awkward.

"Morning." The Torres woman halfheartedly greeted, the looks on the two women's faces unsettling her slightly.

"Morning, Callie!" She heard Marnie shout as she massaged the shampoo into her hair.

The bathroom grew strangely quiet as the resident sat down on the toilet to pee, with nothing but the gentle sound of the shower water filling the room.

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