chapter twenty eight

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028bandaid covers the bullet holeseason two, episode twenty !

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bandaid covers the bullet hole
season two, episode twenty !

"What on earth did George do to his hair?" Marnie gawked, scrunching her face up at the sight of her friend's new look. Ever since his situation with Meredith, the O'Malley man had been acting... different.

And by different, I mean he moved out of the house and in with Cristina and Burke, which she was thrilled about, and hacked his fringe with a pair of scissors.

"It's called a nervous breakdown." Izzie whispered.

"Call it what you want, it looks hideous." Marnie cringed, unable to pull her eyes away from the monstrosity on top of his head.

The Yang woman smirked, turning around to face the blondes. "Burke says he's got issues. You should see them, like, doing things. Running, cooking, talking. They're bonding."

"Sounds like Burke likes George more than you," Marnie laughed, immediately shutting up when Cristina shot her a glare. "Joking."

The woman remained silent, turning to Meredith, who was smiling at the blonde's joke. "You know, just go and apologise to him."

"Why should she have to apologise?" The Walker woman furrowed. "They both did it. They should both apologise."

"I've tried!" She sighed, watching the brunette walk ahead beside Dr. Bailey.

"Try again." Izzie said simply. "Things can't stay like this. Things suck like this."

"They do." Marnie nodded in agreement. "I mean, I love you guys, but it's so boring at the house without him."

The group continued to follow after their resident, with Marnie traipsing a few steps behind. She jumped slightly at the feeling of a hand grasping her left shoulder, however a smile grew on her face when she turned around to see who it was.

"What's with O'Malley's hair?" Alex snorted, pinning his ID badge to the front pocket of his lab coat. "He looks like a hobbit."

Marnie shrugged her shoulders, her smile still prominent, "It's the Meredith effect."

Ever since their encounter in the supply closet, her and Alex had decided to keep whatever it was going on between them to themselves, whilst they worked out their feelings for one another.

"I still can't believe he slept with Meredith." She spoke, shaking her head. "It's so weird."

But Alex didn't seem that surprised, only shrugging his shoulders at the blonde. "It's not that weird. You screwed me."

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