• CHAPTER 47 •

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Another month had passed. Joe and I kept getting closer. I started accepting that I could survive without Ace, that Ace was just a good memory that I wanted to hold on to and move on from it.

"Babe," Joe called from the kitchen, "let's go we're going to be late."

I smiled in the mirror, loving the red dress I was wearing. It was hugging my body, drawing its curves. I flipped my hair, loving how I was able to straighten it myself and proud of how well I put on make-up.

"Coming!" I yelled back at him and put on red lipstick to match the dress.

I saw him in the mirror a few seconds later, leaning onto the room doorframe with a small smile at the corner of his lips.

"What?" I shyly giggled.

"You look beautiful, Tal."

"Thank you," I looked away.

"But you should hurry. Yuna and her husband are going to arrive before us if you keep this pace."

I was excited for the wedding. I didn't get to get close to Yuna but she became very important in my life.

"Let's go."

We walked in the reception full of unfamiliar faces. Sitting on tables adorned with flowers of every hue. The sound of chatter and clicking glasses of the guests were screaming happiness. Delight was very clear on their faces. Wedding reception is the only place that doesn't know the meaning to sadness or grief. People go to weddings, leaving their problems on the door and walking in to share happiness with the bride and groom. I walked into the room holding Joe's arm, a smile automatically forming on my lips. People started looking at Joe, whispering under their breath but when I looked at him to make sure he didn't see them, I saw him laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I smiled.

"They think they can affect me with their looks. Did they really expect me to miss my only sister's wedding?"

Before I could answer him, he looked behind me and smiled.

"I think I'm going to walk her down the aisle." He spoke up.

"Does she know?"

"She will now." He started to walk away from me.

"No," I tried to stop him but he ignored me, "Joe."

I was sure she had everything planned and something changing could stress her. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to feel like she had someone to walk her down the aisle or not.

The music started to play in the room, announcing the entrance of the groom. He walked to the ail where the pastor stood and waited for his bride. A few seconds later, the music played again. The whole room stood up and so did Joe and I. We were met by the beautiful bride walking in with her white dress and long veil. The air was filled with a hushed excitement, as we watched her walk to the ail, holding Joe's arm.

A huge smile formed on his lips as he walked with her to the pastor and her soon to be husband. His eyes were sparkling with happiness and proudness. He stopped, hugged her and handed her to her husband before stepping away. The room was silent, only the pastor's voice was clear in the room until they started exchanging their vows. They both starting tearing up, touching every heart in the room. I smiled when I saw Joe blinking away his tears.

The ceremony was beautifully done. The guests starting cheering when the pastor said "you may kiss the bride." I looked at Joe.

Will I ever be in her place? I thought. If yes, will it be with Joe? Will it be with someone else? Will I find the one to love me that much to want to spend the rest of his life with me?

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