3 - Mission with a legend! With an 's' !

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"Good morning BoBoiBoy!" Ochobot smiled before Ying, Yaya, and Gopal greeted him too. "

"Eh? Where's Y/n? Still asleep?" BoBoiBoy asked before Yaya shook her head. 

"She was taken out for a mission, she told me she could not miss this mission for the world. She seemed really serious about it too!" She replied before shrugging. 

"Ah, I see.. we should get on the  hunt now for the powersphera so we can get out of this hot hell" BoBoiBoy chuckled before Gopal protested.

"Eh? Eat first!" Gopal flashed a grin before shoving bread in BoBoiBoy's mouth, as he started to choke lightly before Ying sighed.

"Gopal I can eat by my own!" BoBoiBoy yelped trying to swallow, as Gopal tried shoving more food into BoBoiBoy's mouth.

"I wonder what her mission is.." Ying wondered aloud, snapping the duo's slight fight before the group nodded.

. . .

Meanwhile with Y/n

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"Captain Kaizo, are you sure that this the right place?" Fang asked as he glanced at his older brother before earning a death glare from him.

"Do you think I get lost that easily Pang?!" He scoffed angrily, and continued walking around the dead planet with a monochrome view, earning a yelp from Fang, and a laugh from Y/n, as Fang sheepishly looked away.

"We're here." Captain Kaizo pointed at a large mountain as Fang and Y/n looked, confused. It was just the side of a mountain that was really tall and steep, covered with moss, vines, and tree branches, Y/n was about to speak, but the Captain beat her to speaking.

"Use your BoomBurst." He ordered, Y/n not questioning it used her loud boom before the mountain's walls broke down, revealing a cave lit up with crystals, that mesmerized the duo. The trio walked in the cave, the crystals glowing, the aura around the place was peculiar. Suddenly, a horde of illegal miners appeared, preventing the trio to pursue their expedition.

"Halt! The crystals  shall remain on OUR hands only!" One shouted before the Captain swiftly dashed, slashing his blade against the alien's body before being thrown right out the cave with a big impact, with the leader of the horde gone, 5 of them remain, 3 being flung out of the cave by Fang, and 2 being bursted right out by Y/n.

"That wasn't so bad!" Fang smiled before noticing Kaizo and Y/n already walking away. 

"Jerks!" Fang scoffed before catching up, and wrapping his hands around Y/n's shoulder in a friendly way.


"Doing this so you wont LEAVE ME BEHIND!" Fang scoffed as Y/n just laughed at the antics.

"Eh? Where's Captain?" Y/n asked as Fang let go off her shoulder, now walking around like idiots in the said cave, before hearing a voice. The 2 rushed into a smaller part of the cave before seeing Captain Kaizo, and another figure fighting a really strong alien.

"Energy B- huh?" Captain Kaizo tried to fight and use his Energy Blades, but cut off by a deep and strong voice, with the sound of gizmo's being turned on.

"Mechabot, Mechanize!"

"Sir Amato.. there's no need, I c-" He tried to say before the Legendary Armored Hero smiled.

"No, leave it to us!" The suit suddenly spoke with a robotic voice.

"Mhm, Mechabot and I can take him!" Amato announced before rushing in and defeating the alien, sending him flying out of the cave by breaking the stone walls behind him. 

"Is that.." The two younger T.A.P.O.P.S members said in sync.

"Yes.. The Legendary Armored Hero Mechamato." Captain replied, awestruck by his strength.

"This week just got even better!" The musical hero exclaimed running around Fang in circles, as Fang just stood amazed.

"But wait a minute" She pointed at Amato before everyone snapped out of their thoughts.

"You.. you look a lot like the new cadet!" Y/n exclaimed before the 3 looked confused, especially Captain Kaizo.

"New cadet? And I wasn't informed?!" Captain Kaizo angrily scoffed before Fang chuckled with a sly smirk.

"Commander doesn't gotta tell you everything" He replied before getting playfully slapped, with Y/n still observing while the siblings were having their sibling quarel.

"Who is the young cadet you speak of?" Amato asked as Y/n approached.

"Stop talking in fancy" Mechabot scoffed before he un-mechanized.

"BoBoiBoy, he was recently recruited like.. 2 days ago? I was supposed to guide him in his mission but.. I was pulled out to go on this one by Commander." Y/n replied, still wondering how the 2 looks so.. alike.

"Boboi.. BoBoiBoy in T.A.P.O.P.S?! " Mechabot whisper-yelled. Before Y/n got suspicous. "Aha! So you DO know him!" Y/n pointed out before Amato sheepishly laughed.

"I may be.. connected with him if that makes sense, but how is he..?"

"He has a powersphera  of his own sir, Ochobot, I was told he already had Ochobot as a companion at the age of.. 11? Also am assuming your his father since you said your connected?" Y/n recalled, before Amato slowly nodded.

"Keep me a promise and protect him will ya?" Mechabot spoke before Y/n smiled widely.

"Don't worry! He'll be safe and sound when am around!" Y/n announced placing her hands on her hips cockily, that made Amato and Mechabot smile, knowing BoBoiBoy will be safer near the musical hero. Y/n notices the purple duo behind still fighting and not listening into the conversation (thankfully) before Y/n scolded them.

"Will you 2 braindead human aliens who look like Blaze the Cat from Sonic stop fighting for 2 seconds?! Your in the presence of the Legendary Mechabot and Amato here?!" Y/n suddenly scolded as the 2 siblings fist fighting stops before sheepishly looking away.

"Now that you 2 stopped, we have 10 powersphera's to find and save, so let's get to it!" Y/n announced earning a chuckle from the older man, which was BoBoiBoy's dad.

. . .

Meanwhile with BoBoiBoy

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"Bellbot, you will be safe under the hands of T.A.P.O.P.S!" BoBoiBoy convinced the tiny powersphera as the gang nodded. But alas, they didn't want too, leaving the gang to walk back off into the portal, not knowing the duo followed them back.

"Cattus?! BellBot?!" The gang yelled as Commander smiled at the sight, but accidentally steps on the cat's tail. As he does so the entire gangs faces went pale. Commander tried to ask, and only one word left his mouth, which was a simple": "Huh-" before being cut off by the gang, and Cattus turning big.


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It's not my longest story, but this can work!! 

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