6 - A story to say.

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"We there?" Y/n sighed slumping her shoulders scrolling through her space-phone before hearing a response. "No, not yet." He hummed before Y/n received a call, after reciving it, Y/n stood up and left the piloting area, and headed to her own room in the ship.

"What is it now?" The musical hero sighed  before static was heard from the phone. "KJ?" She spoke before the static was gone, followed by a laugh. "Sorry wrong person!" the anonymous person said before the call went silent.

"Huh.." The musical hero suspiciously muttered under her breath before returning. "We're close!" Fang announced before Y/n nodded her head as BatBot came out of nowhere.

"We're going to T.A.P.O.P.S Station right?" it asked as Y/n nodded, happy on the topic. "Mhm! You'll meet more friends and allies!" Y/n smiled as BatBot flew around happy. "Hey, what happened to TAPOPS?!" Fang exclaimed before connecting a call to the other ship,

"Was TAPOPS.." She added, in disbelief this could happen.

"ATTACKED?!" She yelled in sync with BoBoiBoy when the call connected, gaining a side eye and an annoyed sigh from Fang.

"No, there's a party." He sarcastically remarked as BoBoiBoy and Y/n rolled their eyes, annoyed. "Ok mushroom boy." They both scoffed before Commander broke their small fight. "Enough you 3! Yaya, Ying, Captain Papa Zola, stay and guard the ship. "Well, Captain Papa is asleep so he can't really walk around.." Ying sighed.

"BoBoiBoy, Fang, Y/n, with me!"

"Yes Commander!"

/ setting switch /

"A.. pink crystal shard, that's glowing.. in an abandoned area?" The red power sphera questioned before it flashed the 3 entities in an instant. The 3 yelped in shock before being sent back to a place that was futuristic, but the difference was, it was burning. Getting destroyed to mere pieces.  When they tried to prevent the chaos from rising more, they just ghosted through the solid objects, it was like.. they weren't there. Like they we're just.. spectating.

"Hey.. isn't that?" The captain pointed in the mere background revealing the familiar girl with h/c hair, e/c colored eyes that shone with determination. She wielded a sword, similar to a violins stick/a bow stick, with the violin attached to her back.  But this wasn't the Y/n they knew. This one looked unfriendly, aloof, and scared, but also determination. Her hair was short, her outfit was more on the different side, with a black shirt and a dark shade of f/c jacket that was zipped up to the middle, black pants that were baggy with dark brown boots, she looked so.. aggressive. It clicked to them after some time. that the crystal could possibly be a time capsule. 

"Do you regret what you have done Aeron?! Do you have no mercy on what you've done?! To me, to my family, our friends, to the planet?!" She yelled before slashing against a boy with dark red hair, and steel eyes, before they smirked. 

"I don't.. they we're getting in the way~" He grinned before sending her flying backwards hitting the fallen debris. "Rah! You won't get away with his- you--! " She cursed before a blinding f/c flashed, quickly sending 'Aeron' back on the ground, before musical notes started flying out of nowhere and restored ALL of the damage. And it only happened.. with her music. She started to play her violin, that was the reason everything was fixed. It was a Musical Wonder. 

"The pain you've caused for your own selfish deeds.. you shall pay the price." She growled before a loud boomburst sent him flying out of the planets atmosphere. It was a very powerful attack, almost too powerful. 

"That was Y/n before she joined T.A.P.O.P.S.." The captain whispered before a pink flash blinded the trio watching. Now they were in a cave deep, Y/n talking to a long light orange female with orange eyes, an eyepatch colored black that has the design of a stopwatch, and dressed up in a steampunk outfit stylized too much. She held a big key taller than even Amato. 

"Are you sure.. you want to hide the past in this crystal, L/n?" The voice asked before Y/n nodded. "Yeah.." She replied looking away, clutching her pants. "So.. why exactly?" Replied the orange haired female as Y/n replied.

".. A memory, the crystal will serve as a time capsule for the Musical Hero." She replied sternly pointing at herself. "A relic to signify that music can be powerful. To warn about the dangers of being blinded by rage to whoever finds the crystal.."

"And a key to the all mighty powersphera.. Healbot." Y/n sighed as the female turned her head in confusion, while Amato, Mechabot, and Captain Kaizo just.. watched, since it is the powersphera they were tasked to look for, after years of it being gone.

"Down the cave north of Cadenza valley.. Healbot is there, inserting this shard into a lock unlocks the chamber it thrives in. Healbot is an.. interesting powersphera, with its ability to give the holder powers to heal any injury, but can somehow.. also give the power on creating any weapon in mind, with a combo like this in the wrong hands, its risky.. The entirety of planet Sonata could be at great risk. That's why, am doing this. To warn whoever seeks Healbot, and warn of the consequences." Y/n sternly replied before another pink flash appeared, sending them back to where they found the crystal in the abandoned parts of planet Sonata.

"Are the flashbacks over?" Amato asked, "Maybe! Let me see!" Fang replied quickly before banging his head on some debri. Hard. "It's over-" Fang winced as the Captain Sighed.


/ setting switch /

"Where's Jokertu??" Commander asked after he was released from the card he was trapped in, looking at Captain Papa laying down on a table. "Hahaha!! He's under my belly~" Papa Zola smirked before pointing below his stomach, suddenly before Fang were to speak, someone  came rushing in.

 A boy with icy blue-white hair, blue eyes, and an indigo-colored scar across his left eye, wearing a dark blue hat with a blue and white checkered strip, a blue shirt, a yellow tie, and a red suit with a golden J badge on his chest. He also dons a purple cape, dark blue shoes, white gloves, and a light purple eye mask, and also a white powersphera, with yellow squares as a pattern,  rushing in with the boy holding a yellow umbrella, full speed in.

"Hand over my powersphera you thief!" He yelled, pushing Papa Zola off of him effortlessly and grabbing Jokertu up, as a powersphera runs to him and tugs on his pants.

"Kaitou! Please don't harm this good for nothing villain!! We can just lock him up!" The powersphera begged as the boy named Kaitou sighed, "Alright.. Wait, Fang? Y/n?" He asked as he sweatdropped.

"How did you not realize we're here you blind idiot!" Fang raged as Y/n giggled. "Let him be, he's blinded by the fact CardBot was stolen, let him be." Y/n added, as Kaitou shook his head.  "Wait commander, who are these 4?" Kaitou asked before commander replied, "These are our.. newest! Cadets and Lance Corporals, Ying, Yaya, Gopal and BoBoiBoy!" Commander exclaimed before the 4 new recruits waved.

"Well hello to you 4~ Am the shinning star, Kaitou Joker~!" He grinned as the gang greeted him happily, as Y/n felt an odd feeling.

"I have a feeling somethings off.."

. . . 

THE KAITOU JOKER REFRENCE LMAOOOO anyways shiz gonna get interesting.

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