5 - Hero Duo!

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"Y/n! Get your musical nerd self over here!" Fang called over as the said hero slid over, looking at the blue screen pulled up.

"SOS signal..?" She asked tapping her finger before Fang nodded, turning the spaceship around and speeding up.

"From the comma-" Fang tried to reply before Y/n pushed the shadow manipulator aside, earning a shriek of shock from him, as Y/n went on full speed, approaching the area the SOS signal was sent from.

"Commander has the new recruits onboard!" She exclaimed before the planets the duo passed by flashed a blur.

"I made a promise.." She whispered before Fang looked confused from the word 'promise.' he was about to say something but alas, Y/n shushed him before stopping somewhere and quickly telling Fang to assist the situation, as she tried to find a safe parking space around the restricted area.

. . . 

"How dare you fight with my friends?!" Fang yelled as the entire group turned their heads, shocked, "I-its Fang!" the group yelled as a space mosquito attempted to attack Fang, before getting smacked into tomorrow by an electric guitar, that has an electric aura.

"Thats my job to ambush Fang when he's talking!" Y/n rolled her eyes before smirking, and also earning a side glare from the mushroom boy, but instead of a thank you or anything, the gang instantly laughed.

"Wh-whats so funny huh?!" Fang  yelled, "Your face is." Y/n smirked as Fang side eyed her. "Whats up with the funny looking helmet?" Ying laughed as Fang snapped. 

"This is the latest fashion trend I-" Fang tried to defend as Y/n only scoffed. "Am from the same organization, and even I know the fashion trends.." She sighed gaining a laugh from BoBoiBoy.

"If he's hungry, he could just eat his helmet!" BoBoiBoy added driving his motorbike next to Y/n's, before high-fiving. 

"Hey wait, do you fly the space ship alone?" Ying asked before Y/n nodded.

"Actually in in the middle of a solo space flight training and that's why I have to wear this helmet!" He defended. 

"Am also training with you and am not wearing that abomination, aren't I now?" Y/n rolled her eyes before Fang scoffed.

"HEY THE MOSQIUTOES ARE BACK!!" Yaya yelled as the entire gang got on guard, and orange mosquitoes approached.

"Alright am too tired for this, let's finish this quickly" Y/n yawned before storming towards the space mosquitoes, and ambushing them.

"Come on Y/n! Fang! We got this!" BoBoiBoy yelled, splitting into his 3 elements, Earth, Lightning and Wind.

"Ah it's the cutie again!! FANG LOOK AT THIS CUTIE!!" Y/n smiled before pausing and pinching Winds cheeks, and even petting his head, even though she's riding her ATV. Lightning could feel the SLIGHTLEST hint of jealousy, as Wind only giggled smiling.

"Y/n! Not right now!" Fang yelled annoyed before Y/n sighed. "We'll continue this petting session later" She chuckled before storming off, using her loud soundwaves to defeat the mosquitoes, and the rest of the elementals struggled to fight back.

"Stop, this won't do! Merge back!" Earth ordered, as he merged back into one.

"BoBoiBoy Leaf!" He chanted, turning into the Leaf element, gaining a gasp from the duo. "New element?!" They both chanted as Y/n quickly snapped out of the shocked state.

"NEW AND ADORABLE!" She grinned, as the Leaf element smiled. "Hahaha! You bett- eh?" Leaf cut himself off, looking at Fang as Fang tilted his head, confused. "What a fashion tragedy." He deadpanned before biking off to defeat the mosquitoes, earning an annoyed scoff, and a laugh.

"Pitcher Plant Attack!!" He shouted, catching all the said mosquitoes in his fly trap, as he chanted to catch ALL of them. 

"He's stealing the spotlight!! I can't accept that!" Fang cursed before making his own venus fly trap from shadows, as Y/n's eyes widened.

"Hey! Fang am the star here not you!" She scolded before making her guitar disappeared, and suddenly she had.. a dark green flute? And suddenly, she played it causing a short melody before her own venus flytrap, coming out of her said flute, before driving off following the duo, defeating the rest.

"WATCH OUT!!" Fang warned Leaf before getting slapped by the large mosquito and getting sent back flying, reverting back to his true form and crashing straight into Y/n driving, luckily, Y/n gripped on her ATV and grabbed hold of BoBoiBoy.

"Hold tight!" She grinned, making BoBoiBoy sit behind her ATV, as he gripped on her waist tightly, holding onto dear life (ehem ehem, quite literally. winks cutely)  As the giant bug approached the duo at rapid speeds, sudddenly, out of NOWHERE. Papa Zola squishes it. 

"Hah! Try that again!" He smirked as Gopal, Ying and Yaya yelled. "Finish him sir!" As Papa Zola cockily did so.

"Yay!! We did it!!" The trio cheered as Fang nodded, making the musical hero chuckle.

"Hehe, awesome~" BoBoiBoy chimed in "Well done to all of you! You were all able to defend our ship successfully!" Commander cheered as everyone nodded.

"Good job my disciples. Good job!!" Papa Zola smiled as BoBoiBoy praised him. "Ahh you were amazing Mr Papa! Able to slap that space mosquito real good!" he chuckled as Papa Zola smiled, about to speak until a sound of the flute was played, with Fang watching like it was normal. The sound stopped after 3 seconds until the musical hero made the flute disappear. 

"Your creation flute must've taken energy, right?" Fang asked as Y/n shook her head. "Not that much." She smiled before BoBoiBoy tightened his grip on the girl, signifying a hug.

"You were awesome!! I didn't know you could do that?!" He exclaimed before she chuckled. "Music is magical, and~ pretty!" She replied happily before flying BoBoiBoy back to the inside of their ship with the rest, and heading back into Fang's.

"For your bravery and ingenuity in solving the crises with a creative solution I herby award you with the rank of captain!" Commander awarded the newly appointed Captain, before an applause from everyone was heard.

"Congrats captain Papa Zola! Next time use the Pythagorean warily okay?" He sighed as the Captain instantly thanked hi, doing the salute.

"We should also thank those 2 as well!" MotoBot pointed to the call screen pulled up, revealing Fang piloting and Y/n at the back, co piloting, before waving.

"Thanks you 2!" The gang cheered as the duo smiled in an instant, warming up. "I also thank you 2, for saving my ship." the commander thanked the duo, as their smile widened.

"Welcome~" They both replied, as BoBoiBoy opened his mouth.

"We're lucky you guys showed up. I- I don't know what would of happened.." He sighed as the newly appointed captain grinned like a maniac.

"Wouldn't be as funny, right mushroom boy, right~? right~?" He laughed as Fang snapped. "Huh? You too Mr. Papa? Hiya! How's this for funny?!" He yelled shaking the ship and hitting astroids on purpose as Y/n shrieked.

"Can you stop this nonesense!?" She yelled desperately trying to hold onto something as the other line did the same.

"POTANG INA MO FANG!!" She yelled, as he continued to do so.

. . .

New facts learned:

~ She can play more instruments with separate powers
~ She knows more than 2 languages.

Shortest chap yet lol, srry srry!! Schoolworks and sh take over my sched lol.

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