13 - Reunited

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Months have passed since Y/n left for TEMPUR-A, but as those months passed— BoBoiBoy  and his gang has been doing quite well, with the said elemental hero gaining his second tier elements, Yaya, Gopal, Fang and Ying has gotten stronger, and Captain Kaizo is slowly loosing his anger issues. 

But everything comes with a price, and the price is missing the said Musical hero. Everyone might think BoBoiBoy misses her the most, but in reality it's the purple headed siblings. Those 2 were the most close with Y/n since birth, so it saddens Fang, and even Captain Kaizo she isn't there anymore.

Meanwhile, in TEMPUR-A you were doing pretty well, you've climbed the ranks up quickly, despite being a temporary unit. You were already Head Commander alongside with the much more older, Ramenman— and you had to give it to yourself, you 2 make a pretty nice duo. Strong at that point, you 2 were unstoppable on missions, you just imagine what you 2 would be like with the Energy manipulator, Captain Kaizo too!

Now that brings us to the present: Where you are currently in free time with lieutenant Lahap, and Ramenman. Jamming along to Lana Del Rey like lunatics. Until, suddenly a higher up cut the music and told you the situation at T.A.P.O.P.S station currently, that made you absolutely loose it. You contacted almost all the TEMPUR-A units to rush in the scene and help out the situation occuring.


"Y/n, I know you're always ready to help but this time you're acting.. off, a little too ready, you good?" Ramenman asked with a tinge of fear and confusion as Y/n sighed deeply, as she continued to control the TEMPUR-A Spaceship she was driving. 

"You and I both know am originally and still am, from T.A.P.O.P.S, and you know how much that organization means to me." Y/n replied sharply as Ramenman nodded, raising his guard up as the ship entered the area of where the battle against Vargoba's armada and T.A.P.O.P.S soldiers too.

"Y/n! Leave the piloting to me! Get on out to the battle field!" A female with golden eyes called out, as Y/n nodded before grabbing her gear and heading out to the battle field, alongside with Ramenman. 

As the Space Pirate minions continued to try and attack the T.A.P.O.P.S units, one took the attention of the duo. And it was none other, than the charming energy manipulator Captain Kaizo. As Captain Kaizo was fending off the army, a musical melody was heard in the background before a small f/c aura appeared on the top of her flute recorder, and sending it straight to the foes, burning them and sending them off.

As the Captain faced the ones who helped him, he saw Ramenman who hasn't changed since they last met, but what caught his eye the most was Y/n who's changed drastically. Instead of a casual and simple outfit of just a jacket and that stuff, she now looked more.. elegant and powerful. She had a black crop top with the top side being curved downward in the center, and the bottom side being curved upward again, in the center— with a f/c cape to show off some life— a f/c short skirt matching the color of her cape— black leggings for covering— black boots—and a small necklace with the pendant being a bat wing. 

The Captain's eyes widened at the glow up the Musical Hero gotten, before Ramenman snapped him out of his shock. "It has been an awful long time Kaizo.. now look at us: fighting side by side like old times." Ramenman laughed out as the Energy manipulator scoffed before slashing his blaed against an incoming wave of Space Pirates, before Ramenman and Y/n followed on his steps on being ruthless on Captain Vargoba's armada.

"I see you have gotten stronger, young Y/n." Kaizo commented as the said Tempo manipulator swiftly dodged everything and played her flute to deal mystical fires out and burn the foes alive. Y/n heard her Captain's comment before laughing lightly, seemingly amused.

"I can see that too, Captain." She answered in response before Commander Koko Ci's voice was heard from Kaizo's intercoms, saying how T.A.P.O.P.S station suddenly teleported neraby— and Nut was requesting help, as Captain Vargoba was beating the life out of everyone there. As Y/n heard that she scanned the area to see T.A.P.O.P.S station before sending out TEMPUR-A units to back the said station up in a strong, loud commanding voice that the TEMPUR-A units could hear through their intercoms, as she rushed off to a ship from her temporary organization to be transported on assisted the attacked station. Kaizo looked amazed on such a commanding voice that it reminded him of his own, Ramenman chuckled.

"Y/n actually climbed the ranks quicker than I did even as a temporary unit, she's Head Commander as of now. Says she learned her battle tactics from you" Ramenman commented as Kaizo shook it off— but quite pleased with the news.


As one of the TEMPUR-A units piloted the ship in a fast rate towards T.A.P.O.P.S station, my heart raced as I hear a loud bang from outside, as I peaked through I see a few T.A.P.O.P.S soliders defending the ships for assistance, before the ship I was currently on reached the station, I quickly jumped off and progressed my way to the power sphera vault. As I reach it, I am almost instantly seen with a sight of the Admiral fainted, I felt fear wash over me, PTSD affecting me, remembering the events from Planet Sonata. I gained enough courage before finally walking onto the scene of a white elemental fighting off Captain Vargoba, I was beyond impressed and in awe at the sight. Since he was pretty cute too— I mean what?

Before the unknown element could even get hit, a musical melody came out before I interfered by blocking his attack with a musical shield and springing into action.

"The outright audacity to attempt even hurting my friends." I scoffed lowly before sending Vargoba flying back as I charged at him, flute on hand— now being the one dodging all his incoming attacks and even sending out powerful musical sound waves while doing so.


"Y/n.." I whispered out shakily gaining energy as the Musical Hero fought with all her energy just to save.. us, me. I couldn't bear to witness her getting hurt, before I can even exhale, my eyes caught an image of Y/n about to be hit with a huge, and I mean HUGE. flying pieces of debris about to squash Y/n into a pancake. So I took initiative to muster up all my energy to jump over and grab her by her waist, as I fired off a large light beam to break the incoming debris, before landing to somewhere else more safe.

"Stay here." I told her in a commanding voice before finally getting back into the jam on fighting the said enemy destroying T.A.P.O.P.S as of now. After Kaizo knows how many minutes they fought, I was flung out of the station, now in flying cold in space, before the rays of sun warmed me off, unlocking my 2nd tier element. Am not Light anymore, am Solar.


As I notice a shining light appear out of BoBoiBoy's body floating in space, I notice him with a more styled outfit, and lost my mind. He looked so, attractive was a word to put it in. As he was saying random stuff I didn't hear to due him looking so fine, I stared off in awe before he started beating the life put of Vargoba. But what snapped me out of my trance is when he made a light beam so big the entire station started to shake and him being knocked out in space. Nothing to save him. 

I rubbed on my necklace before my bat wings from when I found BatBot appeared and started flying my way over to him in a rapid pace before grabbing his arm to drag his body towards Captain Kaizo who was already trying to make it to him in the first place. When I reached him, Captain let out a forcefield to let him take in some air.

"I got you, Oboi."

After a few days on the incident, BoBoiBoy slowly finally gained his consciousness, waking slowly to me greeting him with utter joy. 

"BoBoiBoy! You're awake! Oh thank the heavens above!" I chanted before hugging him, before glancing at Gopal who has a black moustache.

"BoBoiBoy.. you were asleep.. for 40 years!!" He exclaimed with shock as BoBoiBoy stood straight up, breaking the hug in a panic before Gopal and Fang started laughing, resulting in a mad: Ying, Yaya, and me.

"Look! Admiral is waking up too!" Fang chuckled, leaving a confused BoBoiBoy but shrugged it off, with Papa Zola even trying to join in: As they pranked the Admiral like absolute children.

"At least I saw him again, that's all that matters."

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