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"chloe??" Emil blabbers into the phone as i accept his call

"morning Emil" i smile

"sooo, jobe was telling me the other day about Ju-"

"oh fuck off, of course he told Jobe" i roll my eyes in anger

"you don't want to speak to him?"

"Emil, he left, you know how much that hurt"

"you was best friends though innit? tell me you don't miss him"

"i don't miss him"

"that's a blatant lie Chloe"

"i don't Emil, he left, it's his loss, not mine"

"just listen yeah, Jobe said that Jude's sorry"

"I don't give a damn" i yell and end the call in anger


"he told Jobe innit" i walk out the balcony to see Mia drinking her coffee on the sofa

"of course he did"

Jude was stuck in my head all week, he always was, since we were kids. 

Every girl at school wanted him, and he chose me, he made me feel special, he stuck with me and i stuck with him. 

But in the end all i got was a broken heart because he thought not telling me he was off to Germany would be a good idea.



"you guys still fighting?" Mia asks as I lay on her bed

I nod

It wasn't even that deep, the only reason we was fighting was because he payed for dinner and i got pissed because it was my turn to pay.

"Chloe, you know I love you, but you're so fucking stubborn"

"should i just go apologise" I shrug

hated saying sorry, i thought it was worthless and pointless to say a word and suddenly everything is normal again

But it was Jude, I'd do anything to stop bickering with him, it doesn't feel right to not speak with him

"there we go" Mia smiles

"I'll buy him liquorice from the corner shop on my way there"


i ring the doorbell to see Jobe at the door

"hey Jobe, is Jude home?"

"nah he left innit?"

"where to?"

"Germany? did he not tell you?" he says as his eyes widen in shock

"the fuck's he doing in Germany?"

"he's signed for Dortmund?"

"so he just left, what the fuck's wrong with him!" I yell

"i can speak to him for you" he suggests

"no Jobe, he can piss off to Germany and i don't want to ever see him again" i tell him as i storm off back home


"MIA" i say yelling into the phone as she accepts the call as i begin to break down

"the fuck you screaming for"

"that fucking cunt moved to Germany and didn't think to say a fucking word" i say, starting to sob


"yeah he's signing for bloody Dortmund"

"wait, and he didn't tell you?"

"no!" i sob

"ah fuck him, i'm coming over right now" 

i wipe my tears onto my pillow as the call ends


"he really can't just decide that he's going to walk back into my life now! not after he didn't tell me!" i waffle to Mia as i start freaking out

"i know love, i'm still confused to this day, i thought he told you everything back then"

"same" i nod as i scream into a pillow off the sofa


that night i start pacing around my room for no reason

just as i had forgotten him, and got over my heartbreak, he shows up again.

i open the notebook which i'd written the number on for some reason.

i type the number into a contact in my phone and my finger hovers over the call button

                                                      fucking bitch                                                       

 call                                       text

i save myself and click off

"fuuuuuck" i shout 

he was driving me mad


i call my cousin Tia, were born 2 days apart, and i absolutely adore her

"chloe?" i hear her mutter "the fuck you calling me at 3 in the morning?"

"Tia, i promise it's an emergency"

"i could tell, you always used to call me at these times when you'd fight with Mia or Jude back in school"

"well we have an issue"

"oh no"

"so Jude showed up again"

"and you're going crazy"


"i saw he moved to Real Madrid not so long ago, but i didn't think you'd cross paths"

"he gave me his number and i want to call him"

"i thought you hated him"

"i do"

"why'd you want to call him then"

"i miss him innit, like i saw his face and i just remembered every amazing moment i ever lived with him"

"i don't know Cee, i know i always have an answer for you, but this time it's just weird, i don't want him to hurt you again, but then again, you were so happy around him, happier than i think you've ever been, and you know we all just want you to be happy"


kids • jude bellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now