Introducktion & Storyline

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DuckTales S2 Ep. Order: 1 4 5 2 6 7 8 10 11/1a 12 13 15 14 2a 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-25/10a

Order of Season 2: The Most Dangerous Game...Night, The Town Where Everyone Was Nice, Storkules in Duckburg, The Depths of Cousin Fethry, Last Christmas, Whatever Happened to Della Duck?, Treasure of the Found Lamp, The 87 Cent Solution, The Golden Spear, Nothing Can Stop Della Duck, Raiders of the Doomsday Vault, The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee, Friendship Hates Magic, A "First" Time for Everything, The Duck Knight Returns, Whatever Happened to Donald Duck?, Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake, A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill, The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot, Timephoon, GlomTales, The Richest Duck in the World, Moonvasion P1, Moonvasion P2,  

AAAHHHH! Guys! I literally can't believe that my Season 1 is done and Season 2 is underway! I could not be more excited than I am right now! (With the later exception of Season 3, of course) These stories will be getting a little crazy, especially with the arrival of Della Duck. Things will most definitely get more interesting; new friendships and relationships will be made, S2 adventures, and some new adventures that I've added to deepen extra context and stories. I want to add that some stories will be narrated exactly as the series would be if it shared the main character of the episode's point of view or a narration of what's happening (like "Whatever Happened to Della Duck?"). Some episodes are best written as they were, while others are needed for later stories that we may or may not know about (like "The Duck Knight Returns").

Just like before, allow me to introduce you to my OCs and the special people in their lives:

Protagonist - Sealia (Sea/"sia") May McCallister:

She is a white, female duck with green eyes, she is almost 14 in this season, she lives with her sister Shayla in the suburbs area of Duckburg, and she's as tall Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby. She's brave and loves adventure, even though it gets scary for her sometimes. She's headstrong and persistent when it comes to making choices and taking risks. She can play piano, she's artistic, she can do karate, and no matter what she always puts her friends first. She's known to be able to stop fights, as well as sometimes start them, and bring solutions to the table. She is especially good at helping things turn out for the better, as stated by her sister. She has recently discovered she has magic, but until she learns to connect with it, it only appears when she really needs it. Sealia can be sensitive and emotional regarding her family and her closest friends, especially her Best Friend, Waden.

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Protagonist's Sister - Shayla Ann Calister:

She is a white, female duck with brown eyes and is as tall as Donald and Della. She is almost 20 and she lives with her sister Sealia in the Suburbs area of Duckburg, she is also Sealia's parental guardian ever since their parents passed away a year and a half ago. She has a job in her own business, "Shay Can Sing-Along," where she goes to different places in Duckburg and sings and hosts karaoke, she earns a decent amount of money from her business. Shayla is independent, strong, and a caring sister to Sealia. She enjoys singing, going to the park to read, and is more down-to-earth. She doesn't mind staying behind when Sealia goes on adventures with Scrooge McDuck. Although it seems she prefers her small, comfortable life over high-flying adventure, she is actually not afraid to go on a dangerous adventure, and joins in with her favorite Duck boys.

Protgonist's Best Friend - Waden Michael-Xander Duckson III:

He is a white, male duck with dark blue eyes, he is 14 in this season and is as tall as Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby. He lives with his rich parents in the Grand Hotel, his family owns the hotel, and the REC park in the financial district of Duckburg. Waden's family hotel has been passed down from three generations; he is the great-grandson of Michael Duckson, the grandson of Xander Duckson, and the son of Waden Duckson; which is where he gets his long name. He is an only child and is often lonely; his mother homeschools him and his dad is often busy with work. Waden plays guitar and piano and is skilled in soccer. He always refers to people by their Mr., Ms., and full first name to be polite (Hubert, Dewford, Mr. McDuck, Ms. Beakley), with the exception of Sea, Louie, and Webby(Webbs). Wade likes adventure, especially when it's safe, but he also doesn't mind jumping into danger with his friends. He is known to be easily scared of things, but he can also put on a brave face for his friends, especially his Best Friends, Sealia and Huey.

 He is known to be easily scared of things, but he can also put on a brave face for his friends, especially his Best Friends, Sealia and Huey

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I hope you enjoy reading my Adventures in the DuckTales Universe. And please remember that if you comment on anything, please be respectful, even if you disagree with my fanfictions. Thank you ; )


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