A First Time For Everything (A Della/Fenton Story)

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Note: My first REAL FanFic story written all on my own with NO real episode tied into it! Every bit of it is written completely by my own idea's 😊 I really hope you like it as much as I do


Why did I feel this way? I barely know how to describe how I feel right now! I plopped on my bed and covered my eyes with my arm and softly cried. I don't know if I fell asleep or if time had passed by quickly, but M'ma came storming into my room unannounced.

M'ma: Fenton! I asked you to take out the trash three hours ago!

I didn't even acknowledge her by getting up.

Fenton: "okay..."

I didn't hear her walk away, but I don't think she left. Suddenly she moved my arm and saw my face, I did not react.

M'ma: Pollito? Who... what happened?

I pulled my other arm over my face.

Fenton: I don't really want to talk about it.

M'ma: No. You will talk to me!

I sat up rather fast.

Fenton: M'ma, leave me alone!

M'ma: Fenton Antonio Nathanial Finnigan Crackshell Cabrera, I will not tolerate your childish behavior! Es inaceptable!

Fenton: M'ma! I am 27! I can decide for myself what I want to do! And right now I don't need to tell you I don't know why the woman I love rejected me!

I just wanted to scream at myself! Why did I always come clean? Why couldn't I keep my own life or secrets to myself? I covered my eyes and plopped forward on my bed.

Fenton: "Por que hago esto? Why do I do this to myself?"

I mumbled. M'ma said nothing, she just fingered through my hair.

M'ma: Because you care about others more than yourself Pollito. And you constantly talk nonstop. Now, do you want to tell me about this crush of yours?

I looked at her. She sat on the floor beside my bed and moved my hair out of my eyes.

Fenton: She's Mr. McDuck's niece; her name is Della Duck.

M'ma's eyes got wide with curiosity.

M'ma: Wait, is she the pilot you saved from space earlier this year? How did you finally get to know her?!

She asked. I sighed as I started to explain my first interaction with her.

Fenton: A few weeks ago actually. I had gone to Mr. McDuck's mansion to test Huey for his intership under me and she was there!

M'ma gapped.

M'ma: I thought she was a mystery!

I looked away, M'ma gasped.

M'ma: You found her!

I cringed, and glanced back at her then back up to my ceiling.

Fenton: I didn't, I only saw a rocket entering earth's atmosphere and started for it because it was clearly overheating. I didn't know what to expect when I saw her in there! After I "crashed" safely, I hit my head really hard and actually forgot that I had saved her until later that next day!

M'ma seemed confused, sitting up beside my bed a little more, she asked;

M'ma: I don't think I'm understanding where you got to know her enough to ask her out and her reject you...

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