The Duck Knight Returns (A Sea/Shayla (Launchpad/Della) Story)

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Despite my efforts to get Fenton to come with Dewey, LP, Sea, Shayla (Sea's sister), and me to see Jim Starling; AKA: Darkwing Duck, Fenton it not a big fan of his. He wouldn't tell me any good reason besides saying that, "his character is not the same as his character in real life." which I thought was crazy! When the five of us parked the limo, (I drove!) and got out to the store where Jim would be signing autographs, he started out with the very last episode of Darkwing Duck! Some people and bypasses were more excited than others. I nearly freaked out seeing Jim in PERSON!!!

Jim: Whoa! What a twist!

LP, Shayla, and I clapped excitedly from the small group of Jim's audience.

Launchpad: Woah! I never saw that one coming!

Dewey, Shayla, Sea and I glanced at LP in confusion.

Dewey: Wait, haven't you seen this episode?

Launchpad: Only 75 times, but never in a parking lot!

Shayla tried not to laugh at LP's comment. I cringed and rolled my eyes at LP, he was such a fanboy over DW, then again so was I! It was clear to me that Shayla really liked LP.

Jim: Sadly, beloved tv show, Darkwing Duck: staring me, Jim Starling, was canceled before we could end this story.

Jim acted sad then shot up happily.

Jim: But, there's no end to the savings at Siesta Rick's Sofa Fiesta!

Jim lifted a pair of ginormous scissors and held it to the red ribbon to the store behind him.

Jim: LET'S. GET. COMFORTABLE! I'll be signing autographs for one and all!

I started to get jittery and excited! Some by passers and people started to walk away. Jim tried to reel them back.

Jim: If "one and all" want one...

Some people mumbled no and others rolled their eyes and groaned. Their loss! Jim walked off the stage annoyedly over to his table to sign autographs. Dewey, Launchpad, Shayla, Sea and I got in line; in the line, only three people were in front of us!

Shayla: Are you good, Launchpad?

LP: Yep, totally cool!

Launchpad looked to Shayla and Dewey lovingly and thankfully.

LP: Thanks for being here, you two!

Shayla: Absolutely!

I furrowed my eyebrows at LP and leaned to Sea.

Della: "He does realize you and I are here too, right?"

Sea smirked and held in a laugh, she whispered back to me.

Sea: "Calm down, their best friends. And Shayla and him are dating!"

I nodded showing that I had already come up with that assumption. As we awaited our turn, a man in a purple shirt came up in line behind us. He mumbled to himself about what he was going to say to Jim, he seemed really nervous. He must be a big fan!

???: "Okay, keep it together..." I am your biggest fan! No. I have modeled my entire life after yours...

Suddenly he yelled something a little creepy.


Shayla and Sea snorted and laughed behind my back at the man. I couldn't blame them, I held in a laugh too! LP gave him some encouragement.

LP: Calm down, buddy! Jim Starling's just a normal guy! I've been to plenty of these signings, and one day, I'm actually gonna meet him!

The man and I shared a confused but jealous look at LP.

Adventures In DuckTales: Season 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ