1K READS & SealiaMcC Q&A

85 4 4

(I check this often for y'all 🙂)

Hello, my lovely peoples, and welcome to my Q&A! : ) In honor of my 1K(th) read on Adventures In DuckTales: Season 2, I decided to answer questions you would like to ask me! Questions can be about anything DT-related: a story I have written so far, future stories, or my opinion on the DT series.

Just a heads up, some of your very own questions will be on here. I will be checking this often so that I may answer as fast as I can without having to keep y'all waiting.

And one more thing, please be respectful : ) LET'S DO DIS!!!

Wait does the main character like Louie or ?


So Sea has only ever liked Louie as a friend, it was Louie who had a crush on Sea, Sea just wanted to be friends. It was short-lived.


Continue the story, more fast hehehe


I'm glad you've been enjoying reading my stories : ) I'll do the best I can, I'm often busy with college, but I'm trying to get faster at writing the stories. I tend to think ahead of myself when writing stories (already thinking about the plot and added stuff for the next stories/future stories), which is another reason, besides college, that it takes a while for my stories to come out. I distract myself too much with other stories ( :


Will you keep continuing the story after season 3?


Yes! My plan is to do a 4th season that will include more of my own original episodes thought up by me, as well as using the DT17 comics and "This Duckburg Life" Podcast (its on YouTube) as extra story material/A-B side stories.


Yayyyy! I'm so excited for the other parts of the story girl!


Me too! 😊😊😊 it's gonna get crazy and so much fun going into S3! ❤️

Adventures In DuckTales: Season 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ