Ms.####&Dr.#### part 8

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Is it natural to miss him after I just seen him Thursday and its Saturday. I never knew I was this clingy until I started dating him.

I sometimes forget in a relationship the other person needs time to themselves.

Tomorrow when he messages me letting me know that he's coming over only by my request i will tell him "no its fine don't come anymore I've realized I been acting too clingy lately"

Tomorrow I'm going to isolate myself from my phone a day to myself.

Maybe because I'm young and new to this having sex thing I don't realize that people don't wanna do this everyday.

But I miss him everyday because I'm always home by myself so I'm bored 24/8 and he has a life besides me, he got nephews and a cousin and an Aunty.

So I'm not really needed I guess.

He came today, to see me before he went to work. We chilled in the front room he sat in the chair as I laid my head on his lap as he talked he used his phone and I used mine.

His eyes were on his phone yet his hands were hovering and grazing my boob until he finally touched it. Then after caressing it he brings his hands down to my navel and presses his finger inside it against my clothes, twirling his fingers inside he started poking it a little aggressively as if he was fucking it.

He then rubbed my stomach gently pressing his palm against it until his hand was on my lower abdomen. In the sound of 0.5 seconds his hands was rubbing my pussy. I jumped slightly in surprise but then calmed down. He removed his hand after a few more seconds but I wanted him to continue but of course he couldn't, not when the kids were in the other room.😩😩

Oct 8th 2023

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