Miss.####&Dr.#### part 13

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He doesn't carry me out to the beach, he doesn't carry me driving, he doesn't come to see me alot it's very once in a blue moon, he doesn't check up on me.

He did pay for my car to get towed when I needed help he does carry me places when I ask.

But I feel as though he's not doing much as he should as I want. If I'm being honest here I'm not fully happy in my relationship, when he's around I love that but he's barely around and he doesn't do anything/push for us to go out.

He wants to keep it private from our fellow colleagues but the way he's going about it makes me feel like he's ashamed to be with me. He he's so call scared to meet my dad.

I don't like how this relationship is making me feel.

I need to start finding things to do to take up my time.

This relationship makes me feel sad.

This relationship makes me feel sad.

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