-A Long Day-

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"Well this is not good."

Bera couldn't help but agree as she and 7 casually stared down the freaky mutt.

What did they do to deserve this? Exit the house? Was it such a great offence.

She lifted her spear slowly before the bear howled at them.

"In, in, in!" Bera called, stumbling backwards and towards the door, 7 not needing to be told twice.

Bera stumbled after her as the mutt sprinted on all fours after them.

"Stairs!" And 7 was gone the moment she said that but at least she warned her ally.

Bera ran after it, noticing something.

"Stop!" She screamed at the top of the stairs.

"What now?!"

"Look." She pointed downstairs, this sudden sprint making her breath slightly labored but not that much.

7 did look, the mutt growling  up the stairs from the door frame but never entering the building.

"Lets just hide up here and think of what to do, I didn't need to wake up to this."


It felt like a long wait, the beast circling the home, growling and scratching at the walls but the gamemakers probably didn't program it to enter.

Both girls watching it from the first floor window.

"Do you think it is the only one?" 7 asked, arms crossed on the window's edge.

"Might be or might not, I wouldn't be surprised if they put many different mutts in here. It would be too easy with so many resources that can be found here for it to be an easy game."

"I guess you are correct... Who's waiting for you are home?"


"Well yeah, why do you wanna go home. Last year my district had a volunteer, all thought him noble, volunteering instead of a much younger boy. He was strong, having worked long and hard days... But he didn't even try... He looked so at peace when that spear came at him."

Bera remembers seeing that but she just thought him stupid, mentally retarded.

He was just another death for her and she was really not enjoying learning more about him, she looked at this through Capitol eyes, they were all tributes but humanizing them made her feel sick.

"He had trouble with his family but I never thought it was that deep, that he'd choose to end it like that."



"Just stop it, I don't want to hear it."

"You are such a bitch you know?" 7 hissed.

"What use is there mentioning him? He's dead, gone."

"Damn and heartless too, you know his parents cried for him."

"Everyone does stupidly enough."

"I hope yours do to in that case."

"I'd love to see them try!" Bera snapped out coldly. "I'd like to see anyone that would cry for me."

She turned tails and walked away, unable to deal with her ally one more second and needing to be away from her.

She scoffed... Who'd miss her anyway?

They were all happy for her, it meant no one would be reaped this year, she caused enough trouble for those she knew and many didn't even know who she was.

She was a nobody in 8.


And for some reason Valerius cried.

The man that should have been her grandpa instead of her tormentor cried and for the first time he looked like he cared for her.

She looked at her token, that bracelet. She had promised Cecelia to not die but she wouldn't miss her in the long run, she saw many tributes die and she'll see many more.

Does she really only want to win because that's what she trained for?

Isn't that a hollow victory instead of someone that really does want to go home?

She sighed... This will be a long day.

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