Going Back

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The tribute center was... Grand.

Fully renovated and was bigger than before.

And still, this was the least of their worries.

The parade would be held tomorrow morning as the train left district 8 with delay because of the riot, making it get to the Capitol at night fall, not a few hours before it.

Cecelia was their mentor since she was not a tribute but instead of speaking strategy, here she was sitting, Bera hugged in her arms and caressing her head while the younger victor held on her arms, slid down the couch to let her do that because she knew she needed it and she did herself a bit.

Feeling Cecelia shake with silent cries and her tears drop on her head, she just rubbed her thumb against the arm she held on, an arm hugging her tightly.

She felt destroyed herself but for different reasons.

Yes, she was once again fighting for her life... But those reaping re-watches...

District 1: Cashmere and Gloss.

District 2: Enobaria and Brutus.

District 4: Finnick.

District 7: Johanna.

District 8: Bera and Woof.

District 12: Peeta.

All people she had talked too, all people she got along with, all people that would die.

Including herself.

Enobaria, that was who hurt the most, she looked so fierce and ready to fight on the replay but she knew, she knew that she knew, there was 1/2 the chance that Bera was reapped, and now she had watched the replay too.

Snow was looking to take out all the victors that had any connection with Bera and Katniss, Of course it was Haymitch that was pulled, it was rigged, so Peeta would volunteer, just like Bera had for Cecelia, and the rest were there to take care of her.

The spark of hope there still was that Mags volunteered for Annie, Snow had nothing to gain from Mags dying but he had a lot if Annie did... She was a victor Bera helped to create, be probably underestimated how much the elder woman was ready to die for the young girl.

This all hurt, it hurt so much, all of them would die... She would die.

She would be the last to admit it but if it comes down to 2 and 8, it is 2 that's going home.

If Enobaria was alive by the end, bera would refuse to leave someone she cares about greatly in the arena again.

She is bringing them home, she failed James, she can't fail Enobaria.

It felt so suffocating but not because of Cecelia, because of all the weight on her shoulders, because of all that would happen, because of a fear she hadn't felt since she first became a tribute.

Bera would be going back into the arena.


That was scary and it was just sinking in.

All because of Snow.

She has no idea what will become of her, her district... Oh damn her district, they were so angry, so fearful, so lost.

She had never expected this many people trying to reach for her, angry at the system, begging for her to reach back.

She always thought she was the victor they preferred to forget because of her personality and only sided with her because of how much of a piece of shit she was too the system... But the eyes of that man, the desperation to grab one of the victors and pull them back to safety in the district, the gun pointed at his head as he grabbed at them, the loud echo of the shot... They cared about them... They cared about them so much.

She bit her lip, maybe drawing blood, maybe not, she didn't know but she bit hard, swallowing her own tears.

Despair and anger gnawed at all 24 victors in the tribute center.

And that was just what Snow wanted.

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