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Enobaria had just heard whispers of what happened, not really up to date so it was news to her, seeing the consequences before the reason. The only reason she knew something had happened was those whispers and because there had never been a victory tour so she wondered just what the hell did district 8 do again.

She had just gotten off the train but she always could tell the difference.

The ever cocky grin.

The almost exaggerated flamboyance.

The ever confident strut.

The temperamental jerks of an annoyed wave.

The eye roll of topic dismissed.


All of it.


It was like she was stared at a statue that came to life with hatred shining through its cracks to power its movements.

Such frozen anger, such cold hate, she had never seen to any victor.

She had seen apathy, blazing loud tempers, sorrow drowned in alcohol but nothing like this fury that was felt by all by simply looking in that woman's eye, a fury running so deep nothing was left, not a smile, not a frown, not surprise nor contempt, just a stone face, a rigid body, a cool exterior.

"Who put your panties in a twist?" Tho she didn't expect such fury to be eternal, still missing puzzle pieces. "I thought your new protegee would be the one to mentor this year, after skipping her victory tour.

Aaaaand now she got all the pieces she was missing.

The first was the rigid and yet weak punch right in the middle of the chest. The muscles so tensed the other woman barely had the ability to throw out a correct punch, this hurting much less then the first she got from her.

The second was the lip biting being so strong ignored blood was leaking out of her mouth and dripping down her cheek.

Third was the shake from the tensed muscles and yet from whatever was hiding under this unbroken anger.

Another was the glistening tears that refused to fall as she watched Bera turn away stiffly and follow the mental Woof who was glaring at her, strongly grabbing the younger victor and dragging her after their tributes.

Enobaria touched her chest, not even feeling sore, just like if she had scratched at her skin a bit too hard for a bit too long.


"I didn't mean to step out of line. Not this time." She simply said, knowing she couldn't exactly expect an answer. 

She was way too used to always talking to her in quips and annoying teases.

"What lie has our dear president once again turned into truth?" Bera said, her voice having lost its spark and was filled with controlled torment.

Enobaria was watching Bera fill up a shot glass before lining up her hand with it and flicking it off the counter, watching it shatter on the ground and she kept doing it, this was the seventh she broke in such a way since she found her again and she can't tell how many she broke before but there were a lot of glass shards.

"I am not that much of a TV person."

Another shot glass was flicked off the counter of the mentors' lounge but she didn't grab another, casting her gaze up at Enobaria.

"So you don't know..." Since that's how most information circulated.

"I never meant to offend."

"Yeah, since I spilt my heart out about my comedian brain you've been annoyingly observant about that." It had just been one day or two in the 69th since this was the first time they met since then but it stuck to Bera.

"You did kind of stab me."

"Point taken." She grumbled. "Why there was no victory tour? Why I'm the mentor once again? Hmm?!" There was some aggression filtering out with those words, being fully a threat with that hum at the end of the sentence.

Bera stood from the stool, a hand still on the top of the counter top before swiping it across it and sending the glass bottle of the alcohol she was wasting shattering on the marble ground at Enobaria's feet. She was almost surprised with herself for not flinching but then again, it was kind of expected.

"Because there is no one to do those things."

"What? How?"

"Are you hearing yourself?" A chuckle she could only describe as violence incarnate tore out of Bera who cast a threatening look of disbelief at her, hands thrown out by her side and swinging, gesturing with such force she might knock the marble counter over if she were to hit it. Most likely not but she wouldn't bet on that. "What? How? There's only one way Enobaria! She's gone, my victor's gone! Have you not realized just how different this year is? There is a reason tensions are high in the Capitol itself and if you turned that TV on once in a while you'd know!" It was more like sharp cut offs with a snarl instead of yelling.

"So that's it." She said out loud, watching Bera throw up her hands and pushing them up her forehead and into her hair, keeping them there on the back of her head.

the whispers, the rumors, the pieces of the puzzle, all fit. Jessica Lancer, victor of the 69th, the girl Bera gave all for, was no more.

"And it is because of me." Bera gritted her teeth, her gaze falling more to stomach level. "Because of what I did at her victory party. He took everything because of that damned night, I failed all of them! I killed all of them!"

Enobaria would have actually hugged her when the tears started falling if it wasn't for Bera grabbing the stool and with a spin, threw it into the big TV screen, heaving for each breaths as the pieces rained down.

"Stop!" She finally acted, launching a hand out when Bera's next act was to ram her fist into the marble counter top and the fucking thing cracked, grabbing her shoulder and yanking her back before she'd break anything.

But such movement in such a state? Bera was an unstable mess in all the senses that a human could give to that term. Leading to her grabbing her again before anything could happen... At least that hug did happen.

It was more like trapping Bera with her arms up by her chest so she couldn't hurt herself while falling down on her own ass because of the weight and Bera's head hitting her in the nose... But nothing seems to be broken.

She chose to not complain despite the series of colorful words of where Snow could shove his jabberjays and how she'll kill him interrupted with sobs.

She just held on, not wanting her to hurt herself... And... Well... Admittedly because she knew she needed a hug.

Tho it came with elbows to the ribs which were a part she would wish was not part of the deal.

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