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(Fun fact: I couldn't decide between a raid and fire but ended up picking fire... You'll understand soon why.)

Bera was sitting in the habitually awkward silence of the day with Valerius.

Neither looking much at each other, her eating her dinner still while he was already done and turned side ways on his chair to prop on elbow on the table while reading the news paper of the day now. Bera didn't really get why he read that, she was sure, being a peacekeeper, he'd get all the gossip from his colleagues.

She STILL was not used to him not being how he was, she knew him all his life as this abusive monster and that was purely so she'd survive the games. She lived in a lie and this mushy old man was the true him, she didn't believe one second that he didn't feel guilty but what she did believe was that he wasn't guilty enough to make him rethink torturing his grand daughter.

But this line of thought always ended up with the already known conclusion that that it had bore fruits, this horrible training, and that she was alive because of it.

Still, never stopped her from being bitter.

And now that they were trying to live like nothing happened, how he tried to live like nothing happened, and have a normal relationship it was rocky to say the least as the lobotomy sure didn't rewire her brain into liking him.

She just watched him move to the couch while folding the news paper, there was not much to watch anyway, always the same thing, propaganda or even a rerun of games... She had once seen a spinet of her to 'hype up' the people about her coming to the Capitol again.

She had watched her mother's a few more time since last time (I don't remember the number I gave her mother's game lol) but she couldn't watch her own. Just... Having a visceral reaction of wrongness to it. (oh and fun fact: Bera Helfir... Helfir because I didn't want to write Hellfire as a last name because it would be a bit too obvious even if it is still obvious if you know of hellfire.)

It was silent.

Bera more of less jabbing the escape artist piece of macaroni she couldn't best for the life of her.

And it stayed like that for a while.

"Hey." Valerius suddenly spoke up.

"What?" She looked over but he had moved to the window and was looking out it.

"Is there anything outside the victors village that way?" He should know this, why is he asking her?

"Forest, mountains and stuff, the ruined factories I lived in for most my childhood, why?" She stood, intrigued as he still started out, leaning against the frame of the window.

"Then I am not looking in the right away."

The sun was setting and the orange glow could have been mistaken for that but her was correct, they shouldn't be seeing that on this side of the house.

But the large plume of smoke mounting in the distance near that place was much more worrying, it was...

She jerked back as if she was hit, stumbling into a run to the front door.

"Call for help!" She demanded even if the logical side of her told her there would not be help coming and that this was Snow's doing, it could only be him. The only area useful towards there was one little victor's home.

Almost falling down her steps from the porch, ending up jumping down them and kick up gravel as she ran.

Of course they wouldn't come after her. Bera might not have gotten a name in the games but she had a name.
She was called the most desired woman in Panem for obvious reasons, the word desired was often interchanged with beautiful, fashionable or popular but desired was still the most common, so hurting her image was a no go... But another victor's that she cared for? Who had people too lose unlike Valeruis who was way more useful alive then dead? It was free for the picking. Snow just needed to chose the affliction to hit with.

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