-''My love language is violence.''-

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Snow was in the know about the injuries of all his victors.

He knew what made them click.

And that's one specific man named Valerius who got transferred from 8 to the Capitol each year while the Hunger Games went on to keep one specific victor under wraps. 

That man knew what made the one victor click more then even he did and it was a good enough compromise to have him here for that to be an obvious choice.


Bera still despised Valerius.

She might actually hate him more then Snow.

Snow leads through trickle truths and partial truths, not really true lies but Valerius lies and deceives. 

Yet she was here, on the couch on 8's quarters and sitting in the lap of that man as if she was one again a little kid before he had turned horrible to her, head on his shoulder and silent.

She didn't care for what he was telling her, it didn't matter, she didn't like him... She actually hated him less when he was mean to her because then she didn't know it was all a lie to train her to survive, that he felt bad each time he hurt her and yet he still did it...

So why did she bear sitting here? Who knows... Not her.

What she did know was how volatile her emotions were for years now and how fucked up her brain was.

It was like her brain was on purpose betraying her, she learnt to deal with its new habits of breaking down on her and making just unable to function... She didn't know how to deal with it if the breakdown didn't come.

These seizures should have been predictable by now, but she just felt lightheaded and it just felt awful to have her eyes open, everything looking like it was made of colorful static. This was not normal, she had no way of working it out if it would stop soon or not.

Then again, she flipped out and her momentary opponent knew very well where to hit her to hurt her.

She just got so irrationally angry that her tribute might not survive and all of that was directed at the woman that dared to bring up the idea.

"How much trouble am I in?" She asked after a while, eyes still closed.

"Probably not a lot, you have a lot of influence in the Capitol. Snow would cover it up since you are a good asset to him, your reputation wouldn't be hit hard." Valerius said, the moment Snow summoned him the first time he thought he would die. But when he was told that he'd need to follow Bera wherever she was to keep her corralled when things got out of hands he jumped at the chance. It had been useful a few times since but it never got to the point of today's outburst.

Bera hummed.

"You remember that knife I threw at you?"


"I think it was a... Butter knife? Or something like that?"

"When you flipped out and walked out on me? Yeah I remember."

"I did the same but I hit her."

"The other victor you mean? Enobaria?"

"Mhm." She sighed.

Valerius pat her thighs a bit harder then someone usually would but she didn't care.

"Well she seemed tough, you'd have done more damage if she was weak."

"I bet... You should see her in a dress, I only did once... I think she has stronger arms then you do old man."

"Please, I am stronger then her. I come from 2 too."

"Mmm... You could have volunteered, why didn't you?"

"It is harder then you think, to choose a volunteer in 2, imagine every kid almost 18 screaming to get a chance to go."

"Did you?"

"No, I was confident in my skills but I was not blind. There is always a chance someone like you comes from the lower district and would have killed me. I had meet your grandmother by then and I couldn't risk her losing me, she was two years older then me so if I volunteered the year I finished with my training and got chosen then I would have died as that year 1's male tribute was a powerhouse that bulldozed everyone."

"Hmm... Why didn't you teach my mother? I watched her games years ago, on the way back, on the train. She was a terrified girl."

"I know... I failed her."

"I hate for what you did to me."

"I know that too."

"..." She breathed out. "When she comes back from her daily training please take Jessica and this ID." Pulling out the ID from her bra without a care, holding it in front of him. "And keep training her. I need to bring her home, I have been showing her things but I am not blind, I can't do much in my state for now."

"That's the sister of your district partner yeah?"

"Mhm... I promised them... I promised myself... That I could not fail to bring home another of their children. Please."

She opened her eyes finally when he grabbed the ID from her and shifted her to sit on the couch as he stood.

"I can just hope one day you'll forgive me for my actions." He said, looking at her. "But I'll work for it, and if it starts with this. I'll help you bring her home."

She nodded.

"Wait." But stopped him before he could leave, knowing he'd go look for the tribute now even if it wasn't what she asked.


"On the way, find Enobaria and tell her, word for word if you can remember that: We've gotten closer now, enough to even spill blood, will you got on a date with me now?"

"You really are a weird girl. You know buying flowers works better then trying to murder someone?" He said even if he couldn't actually tell if Bera was saying this to annoy the woman or actually meant it and has not found a way of telling even after so many years.

"My love language is violence."

"You don't have a love language Bera. You have an 'I tolerate you more then others but I'll kill you if you breathe at me the wrong way' language."

"Want me to show you what that means for you?"

"I'm going I'm going." He waved off, walking away and grabbing his helmet along the way.

She sighed once again when the door closed and she was left alone.

She laid on the couch, covering her eyes with her arm.

"You are an idiot Bera." She told herself.

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