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(Because of Bera's new injury, I cannot let myself send her into the Capitol because there would not be a single chance I could actually save her life. Like staying with Tiggris might save her life but the Capitol tussle and fight? That's her grave and that would be too easy. And you you get this chapter... No it is not the end of the book you have at minimum two chapters to look forward too, maybe three if I split it up but most likely two.)

Each breath in hurt, it hurt.

Shit not this.

The doctors had warned her about this.

She was not meant to do anything too straining, which was hard this is Bera we are talking about, to her chest because of the spear. 

It has not been brought up to others of course, she didn't care to tell them or outright wouldn't to not worry them.

But anyone remembering how that spear was through her body would have had one simple question about her organs.

And yeah, she was drowning on her own blood as there was a nice little lung skewer ready for all... And she thinks she did something to the stitching of is as her chest still hurts and is always out of breath.  

There was like a tube stuck between her ribs not that long ago... Would that help? And is Bera thinking about stabbing herself in the ribs? Probably yes to both, the mad woman she is.

But she wouldn't for now, she still had a job to do.

"It is all my fault."

She looked at Potato who had tears in her eyes.

"Jackson, Castor, all of them... They died because I lied... I was not sent here to kill Snow... I was not even sent here."

"We knew." Cressida spoke up. "All of us did."

"What? But why?"

"Because we trusted you, why do you think Jackson backed down in front of Bera? Because if she supports you there is nothing to do but trust you."

"Being a well known woman with a reputation also helps." Bera muttered coughing and feeling copper in the back of her throat, doing her best to not gag on it. 

"We all chose to follow you because we believe in you."

"All of those that died Katniss." Peeta said, sitting on the armrest of the cough Finnick was sleeping on, bleeding slowed tho not completely stopped, what was left of his feet propped up on pillows to make it harder to bleed. "Rue, Cato, Tresh, Wiress, everyone, if we you don't finish this their deaths would have been for nothing... But if you do it, if you kill Snow. Then all those deaths have meaning."

"You know." Bera stood, hand clasped on her ribs. "1687, that's the number of children that died since the Hunger Games began... If this is done, if Snow is gone. All of these children will have died for something, to bring us here today. If this ends today but all of us die it will still be worth it. James, Dawn, Valerius, Woof, they would have had a reason to die so yes, I knew you lied, I knew I was lying for you... But in the end all will be worth it."

And as if the world had had a sick sense of humor, that was when she almost hacked up a bucket of blood, making her dizzy and stumble, someone catching her but her body just shutting down.

Leaving the rest of it in the hand of a little swap potato.


Bera woke up with quite a start, yeeting herself up in a sitting position so harshly she slid down the bed.

Gasping and coughing, oh my! Fresh air my beloved!

She sighed, looking around... This is not the Capitol... Yep, Bera died and this is the afterlife... It looked quite boring really... A large white room, empty hospital bed, hospitalized potato, buzzing lamp, light blue hospital clothes.... WAIT A SECOND!!! Hospitalized Potato?!

Looking to the left again and sure enough, Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire (that title aged like milk), the mockingjay, swamp Potato, was bandaged from head to arms since that was all she could see with a breathing machine next to her, not on her face so she must have woke up before, also because of the tear stains on her face.

"I thought death was a bit boring." She said, conceding that she was indeed alive.

And damn the story she heard from the hospital staff.

The only truly joyful part of it had been Enobaria throwing a gurney, a wholeass gurney, when her unconscious body was brought back in.

Other then that, she had been correct, her lung had just noped the fuck out and deflated like a balloon as the yank on her body had indeed messed with the still healing part.

She actually was worse off them Finnick since no one could treat her one the scene after she fainted while Finnick could be helped, the dude now in a wheelchair like Beetee while his legs healed enough for prostetics.

Bread boy was find and she lost all respect for Garlic when the story about Capitol children being bombed was heard, Coin was a mad woman but not even her would resort to that since there are not child soldiers in 13, she was protecting them and by extent would be icky with even Capitol children but Garlic? Oh how he loved throwing bombs everywhere.

The saddest of it all was Potato tho.

She was caught in the bombing and was burnt heavily on the arms that were being treated by the Capitol's miracle cure they'd send tributes while also having bashed her head in the ground... All of that dwarfed by the knowledge and sight of her sister being blasted to bits.

Bera still remembers seeing her volunteer for that girl... And so this whole thing, this child fighting for her life... It was all for nothing... She entered the arena for her sister and her sister still ended up dying. A bit cruel circle back to that start.

Bera sighed... This... Would not be easy... The war is over but it doesn't feel like it to anyone.

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