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I looked around school once I got there, looking for someone to maybe help me around since I was new.

I saw this girl so I went up to her, she happened to be with her friend at their lockers or something.

"Hey, I'm Jasper I'm new here." I say politely.

"What do you want new kid?" The girl with dark brown hair said in a very rude way.

The blonde girl sighs and puts out her hand in a friendly manner and I take her hand and we do a greeting handshake.

"Sorry about her she's a bit stubborn and doesn't like certain people." The blonde one says.

"Oh uh it's-" I get interrupted by the dark brown haired girl.

"Cadence! I'm not stubborn I just don't like football players! You know I don't like football players other than James." The dark brown haired girl says with a very obvious attitude.

"Astrid let him talk jeez." The blonde girl, Cadence says.

"Go on sorry for her again." Cadence says with a smile.

"I was gonna say it was fine. Anyways, your names Cadence?" I say looking at the blonde girl with a smile.

Cadence was about to speak but Astrid spoke up.

"It's none of your business, why would she want you to know anyways?" Astrid says rudely.

I was starting to dislike Astrid quite a bit by now as I knew me and her weren't gonna get along.

"Well it's her choice not yours so leave it be." I say getting a bit pissed by her.

"Whatever." Astrid says rolling her eyes and walking off.

Cadence sighs, "I'm so sorry about her Jasper."

"It's alright, so your names Cadence right?" I ask politely again.

"Yeah, the girl that was being rude and stuff her names Astrid. She doesn't really like football players. Yet she's on the cheer team with me for them I find it stupid but it's fine. Her ex used to play football and he SA'd her and much more. Her dad also used to be a football player and he abused her. So that's why she doesn't like football players and that's why she's usually really mean to them. It's completely normal not to like her though because of her attitude and she's really stubborn as well." Cadence says all this with a bit of a sigh.

"Oh.. I can't believe she had to go through that. I completely understand why she doesn't like football members or anything but she can't just keep hating them who knows maybe she will eventually like one. Just not gonna lie, I don't really like her already I don't think me and her are gonna be friends I think me and her are enemies already." I say shrugging my shoulders.

Cadence laughs a bit, "yeah you guys are most definitely enemies already. Good luck with that, anyways I can help you to your next class if you need?"

"Yes please." I say as I tell cadence my class which Astrid happens to be in and I get to the class.

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