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I walked up to Astrid after James left her, I was kinda curious of what happened cause she looked pissed. And when I say pissed, I mean pissed. She hasn't been as mad as she looked right now ever since she first met me.

I went up to her and pulls her close for a little hug to calm her down.

"You ok Astrid?" I ask with a polite tone.

"Fucking James, said things and annoying me. Calling me Ast after I told him not to. And him saying something about he can't wait for my reaction in a week or 2, now I'm a bit nervous but it's fine."

"Oh, well anyways do you want me to drive you home I mean. It's pretty much your only way home other than Cadence, maybe we can spend time together?"

"Yeah." She said calming down and had a smile on her face finally.

Thank god, I offered that. Because now I was at her house and we were sitting on the bed watching a movie and cuddling. It felt intimate, like she would beg for more than just this. But at the same time it was cute and cozy.

She was laying her head on my chest as we were laying on her bed watching a movie, I rubbed her back and then I without thinking kissed her forehead. Me kissing her forehead drew her attention up to look at me.

She looked up and her face was red, like really red.

"Sorry, you good?" I asked.

"No, I'm not good. It's fine. But you doing that I- I don't know it makes me want more." Ah just like I assumed earlier, she seemed like she would beg for more or at least ask for more or make the statement, so she kinda proved my mind right.

"How do you mean more? You're being very open for once Astrid."

"You're right, I am being open. And if I'm being honest I've wanted to be open for a while, so here goes anything. I like you Jas, I like everything about you, that one kiss we shared before and how you got nervous? I loved it. I wanted to be yours since then. And maybe a bit before then."

I couldn't help but smile.

"I like you too Astrid."

She let out the biggest smile once I said this, she was so happy. And it made her look absolutely adorable. She then got up from laying on my chest to sit next to me and she grabbed my hand to hold it.

"I- do you think you'd like to accept my offer and be my boyfriend?" Astrid asked.

My jaw dropped, and I looked at her a bit mad cause I wanted to be the one to ask if she'd be my girlfriend. But it didn't matter and I nodded as I leaned in and kissed her.

She smiled and kissed me back, her tongue slipping into my mouth as our tongues danced with one another's. Her lips, soft as a feather. I loved this, well not just this, but her, her in general I loved.

She then pulled away and smiled.

"Would you like to just stay tonight, I mean there's probably nothing better to do and we could cuddle all night if you want?" She asked.

"Yeah of course" I responded quickly and then I pulled her close and held her, as I played with her hair.

This was totally worth it. I thought to myself.

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