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I lifted Astrid's chin to look directly in her eyes.

"Astrid, your eyes say otherwise. Just fucking agree to being friends."

"No!" She says obviously getting annoyed but I can tell she wants to, I can tell she wants more than just friends.

I keep making her look at me and I push her against the lockers pinning her against them and she's speechless, blushing like a maniac.

"Quit being so fucking stubborn I know you want to say yes, there isn't a need to be stubborn."

"Fucking hell Jasper. Fucking quit."Astrid then pushes me and I let her go.


The school day ended, it was a horrible day I felt so close but so far from being friends with her. She was so fucking gorgeous I wanted her to myself and I knew I wanted her.

There was another party tonight though and Astrid was gonna be there since Cadence was throwing it. I got to the party around 5 and spotted Astrid. She was wearing a laced tight purple dress with a small slit in the side, right below her thighs ever so slightly. She was gorgeous I couldn't stop staring.

The dress made her boobs pop, and ass look perfect. Her hips, her waist, her skin, body, tanned perfectly and clear skin, dark brown hair, blueish green eyes, everything about her was perfect. I was falling for her.

I wanted my hands on her, but I knew I was too shy and far from being able to do that, she liked me I could tell just was being too stubborn about it.

Another guy approached her however and started being touchy with her and I was watching making sure nothing were to happen.

At one point the guy kissed her I was a bit jealous and pissed, but didn't take it too seriously, but I saw the guys hand slipping up her dress and I saw her face, she was definitely uncomfortable. I then walked over there to them.

"What the fuck do you think your doing man?" I say as I grabbed the guy off of her and she fixed her dress as she put her hands over her stomach looking away uncomfortable from it.

"She's a pretty girl, I can't help it." The guy was clearly drunk from his breath I could tell, but once he said that I obviously started getting even more pissed off so I punched him multiple times cause his nose to bleed, "Ow! Fuck man I'm sorry. I learned my lesson I swear, just stop!"

I decided to be nice and stopped, but I threw him to the ground then turned to Astrid and went to her. Putting my hands on her shoulders pulling her close for a hug.

"Are you alright?" I asked her as I hugged her.

I don't expect her to hug back I expect her to be her stubborn self but to my surprise she hugs back.

"I'm scared.." she sounded a bit upset but held me tightly. She was only stubborn for past reasons so this must've brought up trauma.

"Shh.. it's alright." I reassure her.

"Can you take me to my house please.." she asks and I nod as I take her hand and take her to my car.

I then let both me and her get in and buckle up as she tells me where her home is so I drive her there.

"You can come with me if you want.. I'd actually appreciate it." She said and I was a bit shocked but I instantly agreed.

I went in with her as I saw her brother, her brother looked at me like he was judging if I was good enough. He then realized I was a football player and said.

"Astrid have you not learned your fucking lesson with football players!"

She looked upset still but she managed to say, "I have learned it Ry, it's just Jasper helped me at a party today. There was this guy who made me feel uncomfortable so Jasper came and helped me. Then I asked if he could take me home and he said he could, so I asked if he could come inside."

"Astrid, I swear to you if this man breaks your heart or anything I will skin him like a fish and gut him like a pig." Ryan said in the most dead serious threatening tone and I was a bit scared.

"Ry! Stop don't scare him like that, I can't believe I'm saying this but just because he's a football player doesn't mean he's that bad! He's one of the only shy and kind guys on the football team that I've met!" I was shocked to hear Astrid say this and I looked over at her with shock as I was about to speak.

"Jasper don't even, I know what I just said don't say anything." Astrid said shushing me immediately and I nodded and stayed silent.

"Fine do this but if I come home to you crying Astrid he will be fucking killed." Ryan said.

Astrid just nods and we go up to her room she still looks upset from the party though. I can't lie though she's not as stubborn as i thought she was and she's actually pretty cute when she's not stubborn.

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