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I couldn't help but stare once the teacher put on the movie, I looked over at Jasper as I was staring and staring. I wanted to see his eyes his dark brown mixed with light brown gorgeous eyes. He was actually pretty cute now that I thought of it but I am stubborn and a asshole. I am gonna remain a stubborn asshole towards him though. I would like to test his limits.

The more I'm around him however I feel myself getting butterflies. I just don't show it. I keep my expression and reactions and how I say things and what I say no matter what. Though seeing Jasper being shy and nervous is adorable. But I shall remain stubborn to see when he will finally do someth- I then got disturbed by my thoughts as Jasper caught my attention after catching me staring at him.

"You are staring."

"Whatever, I stare by accident when I'm in thought of something." Lies that was a missive lie and I knew it but he didn't.

"What were you thinking?"

"None of your business." I wasn't lying here. I was being honest, it wasn't his business even though I was thinking about him.

"Mhm ok. You seemed to be in deep thought thinking about something."

"I wasn't I just kinda zoned out and thought about something sorry." That was the first time I said sorry to him about anything.

"Your sorry?" He chuckled a bit.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes.

"But you seemed kinda nice when saying sorry I liked that better than you being stubborn like you are." He chuckled again and looked towards my putting his fingers on my chin a bit.

I turn my head and move back. "Whatever, quit that." I roll my eyes although I secretly have butterflies.

"Sorry.." he says as he moves his hands away and then he got embarrassed and went back to being shy again. So he focused in on the movie.

At some point I decided to draw some doodles. And Jasper looked a bit intrigued by them.

"Those look cool, and pretty good as well." Jasper said with a smile then looking at me.

I nod and don't say anything as I'm focused on drawing.

"You look cute when your focused." Jasper blurted out.

"Shit I'm sorry that was out of no where I don't meant that-" he says shyly.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I say rolling my eyes being my stubborn self still refusing to show how I actually feel.

Jasper was embarrassed so he payed attention to the movie again. At some point I raised my hand. "Can I go to my locker to get something , Mr. Andre?" I asked Mr. Andre and he nodded but said, "Yeah but on your way can you go grab some things from the office, with Jasper to help and then come back then you can go get whatever from your locker ok?"

"Yeah sure I guess." I say getting up as Jasper does to and we both walk to the office and get the things Mr. Andre needs and we set it in his classroom as I go to my locker after setting it down. I'm at my locker when I see Jasper walk back out and towards me.

"Ok.. Astrid please. Please can we be friends." He asked in such a sweet calm shy voice.

My heart melted as I heard his voice when he asked me.

I sigh, "stop trying it's not happening. I'll be nice I guess and I'll say that we aren't enemies but we aren't friends. We know each other but aren't friends or enemies got it?"

He seems a bit upset.

"Please Astrid I will get on my knees just let us try to be friends.."

Sighs. "Don't get on your knees just stop trying. There's reasons I don't wanna be friends."

"Please Astrid! Please." He whines as he looks down at me a bit.

"Fucking stop Jasper your making a fool out of yourself and it's kinda funny but stop."

Jasper sighs and he's definitely not giving up.

"Astrid.." he says getting closer and living my chin up to look him in the eyes. "I'm not giving up, you will be my friend. Plus you definitely aren't as stubborn as you think you are, and us not being friends doesn't help your own friendship with Cadence since me and Cadence are friends. So Astrid, I will ask one more time.. can we be friends?"

"Fucking give up already Jasper."

"No." Jasper says and he gets on his knees.

"Astrid please."

"No get up."

Jasper gets up and looks at me.

"What do I have to do to get me and you to be friends."

"Nothing not happening."

Jasper moved my chin up and looks me in my eyes.

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