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I was walking to my locker as I saw Cadence running towards me.

"Astrid! I need to show you this." Cadence said out of breath as she caught up to me at my locker.

"Alright, what is it." I ask a bit curious and nervous.

Cadence then showed me the video, and my face instantly dropped. I knew I should've never trusted any football player, even though James was my boyfriend before he was a football player. Now I was just finding out he was toxic? I knew Karla too, she may be pretty and stuff sure and she obviously may be his type cause of the begging she does 24/7 but still for some reason I didn't expect this. I could feel my eyes tearing up and I looked at Cadence.

"Why.. why does this happen to me?" I ask with tears falling down my face.

Cadence immediately hugged me tightly rubbing my back and reassuring me.

"Astrid it's ok. Don't worry you'll find someone else that's better eventually I promise, though you might wanna lose your stubbornness if you wanna find someone." I could tell cadence was joking about the last part and I smiled slightly, trying to cheer up a bit.

"Yeah i guess your right I'll eventually find someone. But you know I'm not losing this attitude I'd rather die before doing that." I take a few deep breaths as cadence rubs my back.

"Yeah I know you won't ever lose your attitude but it's fine." Cadence laughs which causes me to laugh.


It was around 5 pm after school and the football team had practice and the cheer team had to be there to practice as well. James at the time doesn't know I knew about what he said, I really didn't wanna be at practice though.

James eventually walked up to me once he had a break and was trying to be his "normal" self.

"Hi baby, how are you?" James says wrapping his arms around my waist as I look up at him.

"Don't call me that, you dick." I say pissed off at him.

"Don't call me a dick, what's wrong." James says pretending to care.

"Don't give me that shit, i know your cheating on me with Karla, and you don't actually like me. Your only using me for my face and body." I say as I push him off me. 

"Damn, your good. Ok yeah I am what about it? Also you can't be calling me a dick when you know you've sucked my dick before." James says as he lifts my chin up making direct eye contact with me as his hands are away from my waist.

"Just because I sucked your dick before doesn't mean you aren't a dick and doesn't mean I can't call you one. Cadence showed me a video from someone that you said all that shit about me. And I think we're done go enjoy your love with Karla although we both know your just gonna use her as your toy so you can cheat on her as well." I say and grab his hand pushing it away from me.

"Fine then, be the bitch you always have been at least Karla will beg for it unlike you." James says as he goes back to his team as cadence was watching the whole thing.

"Damn you actually got him to leave you alone now?" Cadence asked.

"I hope so, and he's not gonna see his apparent girl at cheer anymore she's getting kicked off the team." I say looking at cadence then walking to Karla.

"Hey Karla, sorry to inform you but your off the team now. First because your better at volleyball, and your performance here isn't the greatest anymore." I knew I had to give her at least one real reason which this was true so I said it.

"And also I know about you and James." I said this sounding a bit mad at her but trying to keep my cool.

"Please let me stay I swear I'll do any-" Karla said before I cut her off.

"No I'm not dealing with you on this team get your ass out of here and watch from other shit. Bye now."

Karla sighed and left going to the bathrooms at the stadiums and changing quickly then she came out throwing her cheer fit at me and leaving as she yelled back, "fuck you."

I smirked knowing I pissed her off.


The football team was practicing as the cheer team was practicing. It was a Friday and it was getting late anyways it was almost 7 pm. Almost time to go home.

We eventually were able to leave by the football coach and cheer coach and I was walking to my car to go home, Ryan my brother happened to be at the stadium and watched everything that happened. So as I was walking to my car Ryan ran to catch up to me.

"Ast, wait up!" Ryan said running, as I turned and saw him.

"What Ryan?" I say still a little upset from earlier today but have been trying to hide all it.

"I saw what happened at your practice with James. I was at the stadium. Are you ok sis?" Ryan asked pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah I'm fine.." I said hugging Ryan tightly.

"You and everything with football players I swear.. the next football player that tries anything with you I will beat their ass ok?" Ryan said smiling at me reassuringly.

"Thank you." I said smiling as I held tears back. "I'm happy you care about me bub."

"Of course I do your my sister. Well come on let's go home, before Eve gets mad at us, I can drive your car to take us if your done with that?"

"Yeah that's fine Ry." I said as we both walked to my car and got in, Ryan got in the driver seat and buckled up as I got in the passenger seat buckling up.

Ryan and me got home around 7:15 and Eve was cooking dinner when we got inside.

"Took you both long enough." Eve said a bit annoyed.

"Sorry Eve." Me and Ryan both said as we went to go out our stuff up before coming back down to sit to eat.

"It's fine." Eve said as she handed us our food after cooking it. "Eat up."

Eve had already ate from what I assumed cause she didn't grab any food and she instantly went up to her room getting on her phone. Me and Ryan ate a bit, though I was struggling to finish my food.

"Hey Ry do you want the rest of my food?" I asked moving the plate over to him.

"But you hardly ate. Are you sure?" Ryan asked looking a bit concerned.

"I'm sure Ry. I'm just not that hungry." I told Ryan as Ryan sighed and took my food. I then got up and went to my room. "Goodnight Ry." I smiled as I went up to my room "Goodnight Astrid."  Ryan said quietly feeling worried about my health.

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