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I was leaving Astrid's house, me and her kissed. I didn't expect it, I swear she wanted it but I don't know anymore. She agreed to be friends with me but i don't know what me and her are at this point.


The next day I woke up around 6:30 am and brushed my teeth and got ready for the day which took me till 6:40. There was school today so I decided I was gonna text Astrid and ask if she wanted me to take her to school.

"Hey Astrid, could I come pick you up for school today?"

It took her around 10 minutes answer she must've been getting ready or something.

"Sure yeah I'll wait outside." She responded around 6:50 am.

I look at the text I can't help but smile, I walk out of my room and go outside to my car not caring about breakfast. Once I get to my car, I start my car and go to Astrid's house as soon as I quickly get out of the car and go to her to lead her to my car.

She looked gorgeous even if she's in school clothes, she was wearing leggings and a plain white t-shirt. Her hair was a bit wavy and she had a small braid in her hair.

I lead her to the car and opened the passenger door for her, as I waited till she got in then I closed the door for her then walked to the drivers side and got in. I waited till she was buckled and I buckled up as well, then I looked over to her quickly.

"Have you ate breakfast?" I asked her since she kinda looked malnourished.

"No not yet I didn't really eat yesterday either, why?" She told me.

"Because I wanted to see if you wanted to get food. What do you want for breakfast?"

She didn't really seem like she was hungry so she sighed but then responded, "We don't have much time, schools getting ready to start-"

"I don't give a fuck about school, we can get there late. I care more for your health, school would too, they will understand I will tell them why we were late."

"Fine." She sighed.

"Good girl." I said without thinking.

I instantly regretted saying that but I went quiet about to speak and she was blushing like crazy as she spoke.

"Don't even say anything else, I want food from Waffle House, it's not too busy in the mornings today. Just take me there and we can eat just please don't say anything else-"

I nodded and I went to turn on music as she was looking at me the whole time not looking away, she looked like she usually did when she wanted something but I didn't bother to ask or say anything. I then started driving as we got to Waffle House.


We finished eating and got back to the car we didn't take that long. It was around 7:10 school starts in five minutes, so we rushed to get there which luckily we got there in time. We weren't late or anything. We got to school and went to our first classes causing us to have to separate, but I'll see her later since we'll i have football practice and she has cheer practice at the football field after school today. Plus I was probably gonna go take her home.

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