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I didn't really drink much at the party as all I was determined for being there was for me and Astrid to maybe become friends.. but as usual it didn't work and she disagreed.

I got in class as soon as the bell rang and Astrid looked up making eye contact as she rolled her eyes, sometimes I wondered what her thoughts actually were about me. Was she just acting like this for show or did she care or wanna be friends or what?

Our class had been working on a project over the few weeks and it was time to show them and go up front and talk about them. However I was the first up to present and I was really nervous but went up there and tried to but I kept stuttering. Usually we weren't allowed to help one another while presenting but Astrid rose her hand.

The teacher called to Astrid. "What is is Astrid?"

Astrid sighed seeming like she just wanted to get this over with and work through it to do her project.

"Can I help him he's stuttering like crazy and seems shy and nervous about it?"

I was a bit shocked as she said this and so was the teacher but since he thought it was actually shockingly nice of Astrid he agreed to let her help me. I smiled as I saw Astrid walk up to help and she got close and whispered in my ear.

"Don't think I'll be friends with you cause of me helping you I just want to do my presentation and get it over with." She said with a serious face once she whispered to me and I just nodded.

Astrid helped me through my presentation and I went to go sit as the teacher congratulated me then congratulated Astrid for actually being "nice" and helping, as the teacher also let Astrid present her presentation next.

Eventually Astrid finished her presentation and she came and sat down as we listened to the rest of the classes presentation and after they finished the teacher put a movie on. Sometimes I'd look around out of boredom and catch Astrid looking at me. Her blueish green eyes looking like they were piercing my soul, she looked like she was in deep thought. She then saw I caught her staring and she looked away.

"You were staring."

"Whatever I stare by accident when I'm in thought of something."

"What were you thinking?"

"None of your business."

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