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This was worth it. Letting him come over, I finally expressed my love to him. And it was mutual. Now he was my boyfriend! Oh god how was I gonna tell Cadence, she would actually scream out of joy and hug me. How would I tell Ryan?! Ryan would try to kill Jasper. Maybe I should tell Ryan when it's been a bit of me and Jasper being together. Yeah.. that sounds good.

Jasper was gonna stay the night and I was fine with it, as he pulled me close and played with my hair, the movie still on in the background from earlier.

(Time-skip, the woke up the next morning as they headed off to school after getting ready)

"You hungry today?" Jasper asked me

"A little."

"What are you hungry for today pretty girl?"

"You," i joke, "nah, I'm hungry for donut bank"

"Damn, if you were actually hungry for me I would've pulled this car around went back to your place and demolished you. But oh well let's go get donut bank." He smirked as he took a quick glance at me.

I blushed knowing he probably wasn't joking about that and I didn't know what to say.

"A-are you being serious about the 'if I was hungry for you' thing?"

"Fuck, yeah I am. Why? Do you want it?"

"Well.. I'm not saying I don't, but definitely not right now. I would like for it, just not yet." I said blushing though I knew damn well I wanted it now, but I was actually craving donut bank so I wanted that first.

"Ok." Is all he said before he then pulled the car in the drive through.

"What do you want pretty girl?" He said as he put his hand on my thigh and rubbed my thigh with his thumb.

"2 chocolate glazed donuts and coffee." I mumbled. Though he understood perfectly, he ordered just that and then pulled up to the drive through window and got the donuts and my coffee and gave it to me, before putting his hand back onto my thigh as he drove to school.

His hand in my thigh keeps catching me off guard. But I eat the donuts and I finish my coffee quickly, before we arrive to school.

Once we arrived he took his hand off my thigh and got out, quickly going to the passenger side and opening the door, grabbing my hand and closed the passenger door before kissing my hand. Treating me like a full on princess.

"Thank you" I let out a small giggle.

"Of course my lady." He chuckled before he held my hand and went into school with me. As everyone saw they started instantly talking.

"Oh my gosh!!" Cadence ran over and squealed once she saw me holding Jaspers hand.

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" Cadence said so quickly before hugging the living hell out of me, proving my point she was practically gonna scream before hugging me.

"Oh my god! Have you guys kissed yet?!" She asked like a hyper little toddler.

I was too tired for this and I groaned. "Yes, yes cadence we have. Calm down please?"

"When we're you gonna tell me you two were dating!!" Cadence asked.

"I was gonna today, me and Jasper literally got together yesterday after practice when he came over to my house."

"Oh, so you guys didn't like.. you know have-" I cut her off quickly.

"No- no Cadence no! We haven't."

"Ok ok, but still! Oh my goshhh!" She squealed again.

"Cadence, your gonna give Astrid a headache." Jasper finally spoke after being quiet just watching everything happen and Jasper kissed my forehead.

"Sorry. Sorry your right but like you 2 are definitely the cutest!!" She smirked.

Eventually James walked up to me after hearing the news.

"Ah, so your not done with football players. Captains in specific huh?" James said.

"Why are you every fucking where James? And why are you so rude now, before you were like so sweet before you played football and now your a dickhead." I groan and look at James.

"Ah ah, remember don't be calling guys a dickhead when you have fucked the person." James smirked.

"James shut the fuck up, that was a while ago. A long while ago." I say a bit embarrassed cause even Cadence didn't know I've fucked James before.

Cadences jaw dropped, "you've fuc-"

"Cadence don't even speak." I look at her shutting her up before looking at James.

"Well, anyways, I guess I'm gonna love your reaction today. Cause instead of waiting a week or 2 I am gonna see what your reaction is today." James grinned and I felt my stomach twist and turn in knots.

I was nervous to find out was he was gonna do. As James walked off Jasper turned to me and leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You've fucked him before, that asshole you've fucked him?"

"Yeah.." I say a bit embarrassed.

Jasper then whispers again, "oh, well just know I don't care because from now on I'm the only one that can even get you like that."

Something about Jasper doing this made me feel so aroused. But I had to hide the feeling and I just nodded.


It was lunch time and James was watching from afar as he looked at me as I spotted him then I spotted Jasper, this girl then went running up to Jasper. The girl that went running was Jamie. A girl I haven't talked to since 8th grade cause of her stealing my boyfriend before and my face dropped instantly when I saw her run up to Jasper as I left the cafeteria and James followed me out as Jasper saw me run out.

Jasper was trying ti push her off and succeeded to pushing Jamie off and ran after me and James cause James followed me.

I was pissed, knowing it was James's doing I was still upset.

"See, ah I loved your reaction. Now your just sitting in the hallway on the floor pissed. Wanting to cry. I knew that would get you." James said as he lifted my jaw and chin to look up at him.

"So, so emotional. Over one boy! One hot, shy boy. Jamie could easily snatch from you. Oh your so scared of that. And so upset aren't you?" This was James's way of human torture to me.

"Fuck you James." I couldn't take it, I slapped James hard in the cheek.

"I hope you fucking die." I said before getting up and seeing Jasper as he was walking down to me.

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