Chapter 2- Partnering Up

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A/N: There is a bracketed portion, so if you want to skip, feel free to do so!

The next morning. Harry woke up and got ready as classes started in an hour, and there were 15 minutes until breakfast. He headed down to the Great Hall and saw Ron and Hermione there. Harry said a quick hi before sitting down. He didn't have an appetite but tried to eat a couple of biscuits.
For some reason, his eyes travelled to the Slytherin table, searching for a peculiar blond Slytherin. Draco locked eyes with Harry. He could make out a light blush forming on his own cheeks. Harry broke eye contact because he was blushing. God, why did Malfoy have to give me this odd feeling? Harry thought to himself.

They had potions as their first class, so he headed there 10 minutes early, mainly because Hermione dragged him and Ron through the corridors.

As they settled in the potions room, Professor Slughorn said, "You all will be receiving partners for the rest of the year."

Everyone started groaning along with a few shouts of protest, but the professor did not change his mind. He began to assign partners.

Finally, six students remained. The Slytherin trio, Zabini, Parkinson and Malfoy and the golden trio. Hermione partnered with Parkinson, Ron with Zabini and Harry with Draco. The class exchanged their seats to sit with their respective partners. They were brewing a draught of peace, informed by the professor, and there was about an hour and forty-five minutes before the class ended, and it took at least ninety minutes for the brewing process to finish. They got to work immediately, and Draco decided to get the ingredients.

{They added powdered moonstone until the potion turned green, stirred until the potion turned blue, added powdered moonstone until the potion turned purple, allowed the potion to simmer until the potion turned pink, added syrup of hellebore until the potion turned turquoise, simmered until the potion turned purple, shook the stewed mandrake vigorously until they were ready and then added until the potion turned red, stirred until the potion turned orange, added more stewed mandrake until the potion turned yellow, they continued to mix until the potion turned green, added more stewed mandrake until the potion turned turquoise, allowed it to simmer till the potion turned purple, added powdered unicorn horn until the potion turned pink, stirred until the potion turned red, allowed it to simmer until the potion turned purple, added more powdered moonstone until the potion turned pink, allowing the potion to simmer until it turned orange, added powdered porcupine quills until the potion turned white. (Added exactly seven drops).} At last, they finished the potion with only 15 minutes remaining.

They put some into the vial and put it on the professor's desk. In the next 10 minutes, everyone had turned in their potion. Professor Slughorn announced the best of all. Harry and Draco won, meaning they didn't have any homework for the next week, while the rest had to write a 10-page essay on the Draught of Peace.

After a shit-ton of classes, it was finally dinner. Harry had no appetite but went anyway to get his mind off things. Hermione and Ron had gotten there earlier, so he sat beside them. Hermione forcefully fed him some chicken wings but left it at that.

"Ron! Can you eat a bit more gracefully?! There are other people here!" Hermione practically shouted at him.

Ron huffed but ate slightly more gracefully, knowing that crossing Hermione would probably not be a good idea.

"Harry, the quidditch try-outs are next week. Are you going to try out for the team this year?" Ron said with excitement.

Harry was unsure but nodded anyway. Harry left, considering that he would soon be third-wheeling his best friends. Harry headed back to his dorm. A small portion of his Defence Against the Dark Arts homework remained, so he completed it in 15 minutes. Harry went to sleep soon after that. He was struggling to sleep, so he got up. All his friends were fast asleep. He grabbed his cloak for a stroll by the lake.

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