Chapter 13- The Last Night & Confessions In The Dark

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"I got some butterbeer!" Pansy said as Hermione, Blaise, Ron, and herself came forward, holding a butterbeer in each hand.

Draco and Harry sighed and were glad the awkwardness that filled the air was gone.

"Thanks," Harry said as he grabbed his butterbeer from Ron's hand.

Harry and his friends drank butterbeer, had fun, and chatted. Harry strongly felt that Pansy was getting to Hermione, but he couldn't complain, could he? Draco was getting to him, too.


They had finished lunch at the Hogs' Head and returned to their tent. Ron and Blaise were bickering. Pansy, as usual, was flirting with Hermione, and surprisingly, Hermione made no protest. Draco and Harry were chatting about funny incidents from their childhoods.

They spent their afternoon and the first part of the evening like this. At about 6:00 p.m., Ginny and Luna walked into the tent, hand in hand, and invited them to the bonfire. They all put on a sweater and headed outside.

Ginny, Luna, Pansy and Hermione made the s'mores, while Harry, Draco, and Blaise made marshmallows.

They passed the s'mores and marshmallows around.

"Uhm, guys?" Dean said awkwardly. "I have something to say."

"Dean, don't say anything. This isn't Quidditch," Seamus said as he grabbed Dean and kissed him in front of everyone.

Their lips crashed and melted as soon as they touched the other's. Seamus pulled back with a soft smile playing on his lips.

"So you two are dating," Ginny stated.

"Yes," Seamus said, "Dean is more used to Quidditch commentary than love-life commentary."

At that statement, everyone laughed.

"Seamus! I can do commentaries on my love life very well!" Dean said with an annoyed but playful expression.

"Well, we're sure you can," Blaise said, smirking.

"Oi, pass around the s'mores and marshmallows!" Seamus said.

"Yeah," Hermione smiled as she handed the campfire snacks around. "Here you go!"

"I made some Fish and Chips if anyone wants some!" Harry said as he brought out two packets of Fish and Chips.

"Pass them on! We're hungry over 'ere!" Seamus laughed as he reached out to grab some more marshmallows.


After a hearty dinner, they all extinguished the campfire and headed to their tents. It was getting a lot colder with winter settling in.

Hermione and Pansy packed their bags while the others cleaned the tent.

"That kiss was something..." Blaise said.

"I always suspected that those two had a thing for each other," Harry replied. "At least we know that they do."

"I suppose yes," Blaise said as he put the last of his clothes in his bag.

"We should go to bed. It's pretty late, and we have to leave by 9:30 a.m. tomorrow," Harry said as he helped Draco put his shoes in his suitcase.

"We're done here!" Hermione heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight, folks!" Pansy yawned as she walked over to bed.

She laid on it, put her blanket on, and passed out in less than five minutes.

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