Chapter 6- The Truce

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Pansy played with her fingers, and Draco kept staring at the floor. Blaise, on the other hand, held his hand out towards the three. Ron still held his annoyed expression while the other two smiled politely and awkwardly.

"Truce?" Blaise asked, nervousness evident in his tone.

"Uhm..?" Harry asked, purely confused.

"He has been bugging me every potions class to make a truce with them," Ron explained, disgusted.

"Oh, sure!" Hermione said, along with Harry.

"What?! Are you two mad?! A truce? And with them of all people?!" Ron exclaimed, hands flailing in the air.

"We don't have to be friends. We just want to be over this dumb and shitty rivalry," Blaise said, upset by Ron's words.

"You Slytherins are all fucking Deatheaters! Why the hell? Would we even think of making a truce with you lot?!" Ron shouted angrily.

By this time, all the students from all the tables were staring at them, some with happy expressions, some with glares, some with confusion and some emotionless.

"You do not talk to us like that, Weasley. You have no idea how much shit we've been through! And for the record, I helped you in the battle!" Draco shouted at Ron, glaring at him.

"Ronald Bilius Weasely! You aren't going to talk to them like that!" Hermione said, glaring at him.

Hermione walked over to him, yanked him by the arm and took him out of the hall. Meanwhile, Harry just watched the whole spectacle, thoroughly confused and shocked.

"I'm sorry about Ron. He just acts like a bitch sometimes," Harry apologised.

"It's alright. We don't have to make a truce," Pansy said shakily.

"Oh! No, no, we would like a truce! I just don't think friendship would be a good idea yet," Harry answered.

"Really?" Blaise said in astonishment.

"Yes. Ron will hopefully come around soon. I agree with you, Zabini. Slytherins aren't bad people. You lot are all forced to be in this mess. Am I correct?"

"Yeah. Trust me when I say we have been through a lot." Blaise replied.

"Anyway, I should go now. I have a lot of work to do now." Harry said before he got up from the table.

Harry quickly got up from the table and out of the Great Hall, leaving three Slytherins buried in their thoughts.

"I'd say that went well!" Blaise told Draco and Pansy, who were hiding their faces in their hands.

"We caused one to lash at us, one to scold him and one to apologise to us. How in the fucking world did that go well?!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Pansy, not now. At least Har- Potter apologised to us." Draco said to Pansy, obviously fed up.

"You just called him Harry. Are you two finally dating?!" Pansy exclaimed, her voice filled with happiness. However, she whisper-shouted as people were still staring at them.

"Me and him? No, no! We are just, Uhm, friends?" Draco explained, feeling awkward because he didn't think of telling his best friends about his newfound friendship with Potter.

"Okay, what now? How long, Draco?" Blaise asked, happy for his best friend.

"Erm... Since yesterday, I think." Draco whispered.

"Also, can we talk somewhere else? I don't need the whole world to know." Draco said to them quietly.

"Yeah, sure, let's head to the common room," Pansy said in return.

They went back to the Slytherin dorm. Pansy wanted to talk about Potter badly, so they went to a secluded area and started talking.

"Draco, I'm happy for you. You've crushed on him since the third year." Pansy said overjoyed.

"Jeez, you act like he likes me back or something?" Draco said playfully but with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Well, maybe he does like you," Blaise said.

"I don't think so. I'm just a friend to him. Though, I do wish he liked me back." Draco said sadly.

"You know what? I'm just happy we got the truce. Draco, just be hopeful. I think he likes you. Pansy said, desperately wanting to end the depressing topic.

"Yeah. Hopefully." Draco told her.

"You guys should know this by now. I'm a Lesbian." Pansy said.

"Oh, that's cool!" Blaise piped in.

"That's pleasant," Draco said to her.

"Draco, are you alright?" Pansy asked Draco.

"Yeah..?" Draco said, but very clearly not.

"Mate, what's wrong?" Blaise asked him, concerned for his best friend's well-being.

"Father- Lucius is in Azkaban but somehow is still in control of my mother and other people," Draco said bitterly.

"Oh, Draco. I'm so sorry for you." Pansy said mournfully.

"Give everyone some time. Your mother is sad. And don't forget, Lucius had a lot of people under his control. So, just give everyone some time. They'll come around eventually." Blaise told him, knowing that he needed some assurance.

"I guess so. I just hate that man. He abused me for years! And watched me get hurt by Voldemort! And then he dared to run from the war with me and my mother!?" Draco said, voice laced with venom towards his father.

"He's a sadistic person. Just focus on your and your mother's well-being, okay? You've faced a lot of shit that none of us ever dared to face." Blaise said, trying to calm down Draco.

"I'm just so angry. I'm glad I came back to fight against Voldemort! He's a pathetic little coward." Draco said to his friends.

"Draco, you need to calm down. I mean this in the nicest way possible. You're being too loud. I'm just thankful that nobody is staring at us yet." Blaise told Draco.

"I have nightmares because of him and his people," Draco said agitatedly.

"Draco-" Blaise interjected.

"Let's all go for a walk, yeah?" Blaise said, desperately trying to get Draco to calm down.

They went for a walk. It was a bit chilly out but not cold enough to wear anything except their clothes. Draco was finally able to ease himself. They sat down on a bench. Blaise and Pansy actively avoided topics with Potter, Lucius and the Truce.

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