Chapter 11- A Trip To Hogsmeade

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Harry woke up at 6:30 a.m. It was a Saturday, but not just any Saturday. They were going to Hogsmeade that day. Harry took his blanket off and went to the bathroom. He put on a nice T-shirt and jeans he bought for himself. He was about to brush his hair until he realised he looked good enough with his bedhead.

He met Ron and Hermione in the room. They were chatting, and Harry sat beside Ron.

"Lavender tried to flirt with Ron again right before me,"  Hermione giggled.

Harry stared at them in surprise and asked, "What? When?!"

"A minute before you came. Oh, there she is!" Hermione started cackling after seeing Lavender pouting and sneering at her.

Ron and Harry turned to see Lavender giving Hermione a death glare. She walked over to them, and Harry cursed under his breath.

"Hi, Won-Won!" Lavender shrieked while smirking at Hermione.

"Lavender, Ron and I aren't dating, so no need to give me that stare of yours. Secondly, Ron does not like you. Unless you are blind, you can see that Ron is trying to push you off," Hermione sneered. She isn't usually mean, but Merlin, Hermione hates Lavender's guts.

"Ugh! No one cares what you think, Mudblood!" Lavender wailed.

"What the fuck, Lavender?! Just because you're a Pureblood doesn't mean that you can bully others! Also, Hermione's better than you'll ever be!" Ron scoffed.

Lavender was mad, but she couldn't do much about it. So she huffed and went away.

"Merlin, I hate her," Hermione muttered.

"We all do 'Mione. We all do," Harry said.

"Anyway! We're going to Hogsmeade today, so that's a plus!" Ron smiled.

"They're serving breakfast early for the Eigth Years. Come on, we better get going," Hermione said.

From being the quiet, preservative and depressed person he was a few days ago, Ron immediately became overly chatty and excited. He was talking so much during their walk to the Great Hall.

Harry stocked up on so much food. Ron would take an extravagant amount of the candy in Honeydukes, so he didn't eat much. Hermione ate the regular food she usually does.

"You're hungry, aren't you, mate?" Ron asked, still chewing his food.

"Ron! For Merlin's sake! Eat with your mouth closed! It's gross!" Hermione hissed. Ron forgot how scary she was when she was mad, and Hermione would show him.

"Well, yeah," Harry said.

"I know this is a bad time to bring it up, but your eating habits have improved..." Hermione said happily.

"If I'll be honest, I was depressed during the start of this year. But everything at Hogwarts has taken a great turn for me, so I suppose my eating disorder and depression have subsided a little," Harry said. "Of course, I still throw up sometimes, but not as frequently as I used to."

At this response, Hermione and Ron seemed delighted. Harry had nightmares regularly and didn't eat properly. But seeing him so much happier, both were so, so happy. 

Harry, Hermione, and Ron finished their breakfast and lined up outside. Hermione and Harry went to meet up with Draco and Pansy. Ron was left behind with Blaise.

"They sure do like each other, huh?" Blaise chuckled.

"Huh? What?" Ron asked, totally confused.

"Nothing!" Blaise looked away, embarrassed.

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