Chapter 9- Hungover Monday

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A/N: The ages may or may not be accurate for the Slytherin Quidditch team. I have decided on the Quidditch Captain based on a Quora article. I did Copious amounts of research for this chapter :'). Also, the characters' names may not be mentioned in the books or movies. As mentioned earlier, most of this comes from a Quora article I read.


Harry woke up with a horrible headache. He checked the time and saw that it was 8:15 a.m. and was horrified.

Classes started at 8:30 a.m., and he just woke up. He was pretty fucked.

He immediately got up, but his head was pounding. He hurried to the bathroom, showered and quickly put his robe on. He tried to fix his hair but miserably failed. So he just slightly combed it and went straight to the Great Hall.

He saw Hermione sitting at the far end of the table. She looked pretty exhausted.

"You alright 'Mione?" Harry asked, concerned as to why she looked so tired.

"Not really, no. My head hurts so bad, and I feel so sleepy," Hermione replied, fiddling with a scrambled egg on her plate.

"Mine hurts as well, and honestly, I feel pretty shit today," Harry said, quickly grabbing some bread, butter and bacon onto his plate. 

"I mean, we did drink too much yesterday," Hermione chuckled, more to herself than Harry.

"Yeah, I think we're just really hungover today. You can't expect a bunch of eighteen-year-old wizards to drink that much alcohol and be completely fine in the morning," Harry laughed at the thought.

"Well, anyway, classes start in ten minutes. Let's finish breakfast and head to Transfiguration Hermione said.

They finished breakfast with five minutes left for class and headed for class. By the time they reached, they saw Professor McGonagall standing by the doorway, greeting everyone and ushering them inside the classroom.

"Please open your 'A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration' and turn to the 'Toad to Toadstool' chapter," McGonagall said while taking out the Toads that the class would Transfigure.

And so they began the Transfiguration. Almost everyone was struggling. After ten minutes, Hermione managed to do it successfully. Harry had nearly perfected it, except his Toadstool had a pair of eyes. McGonagall spotted it, quickly helped Harry and moved on to the other struggling students.

After an hour, class ended. McGonagall had realised that more than half the class struggled to do it. So, she decided to extend this lesson to their next Transfiguration lesson.

Most people had dropped Transfiguration that year. Harry would need it for his Auror studies. Hermione hadn't decided what job she would do, but she still thought to take the class.

Harry had Herbology next, while Hermione had a free period. They split up, as Hermione seriously needed some rest as her head was throbbing.

Harry got his Herbology textbook and headed to the Green House. He reached the Green House, and Professor Sprout asked to take out their One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore, Winogrand's Wondrous Water Plants by Selina Sapworthy, and Flesh-Eating Trees of the World.

"As we've only begun classes two weeks ago, I hope everyone's at least read the chapter on Asphodel," Professor Sprout said, her voice a little older than the last time Harry heard her.

"Yes, Professor...." Everyone said boredly.

After an hour of learning the effects and uses of Asphodel and sitting inside the Green House, the class finally ended. Harry immediately left. It was another two hours until lunch, and Harry's head hurt badly. Lucky for him, he had a free period.

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