Chapter 5- The Letter

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Harry woke up early the following day with his throat burning from the constant vomiting the previous night. Not a pleasant sight or feeling. He cast a slow tempus. It was currently 5:57 a.m. Harry wonders as to why he can't have a good amount of sleep.

He heard a light tapping noise on his window. He looked and saw a pretty owl. He let the bird come in, took the paper attached to its leg, gave it some treats and released it back into the wild. He saw the owl fly away into the wilderness, and he started reminiscing about Hedwig. He was brought back to reality when he heard a soft thud. He picked it up and opened the neatly rolled piece of parchment. It was a letter, but from whom?

It read,

To Potter,

I hope you're feeling alright. I watched the whole scene unfold yesterday. Why didn't you tell me all this? If you're going to be my friend, I would like you to open up to me.

I'm not forcing you to tell me everything, but I do want to know what has been going on at least a vague description. I want to because I want to help.

Well, that's all I had to say. I hope to see you soon! And, get better!

From – Malfoy

Harry was pleasantly surprised to get a letter from Malfoy. And he had to admit, the handwriting was rather good. He put the letter in his drawer and hoped nobody would snoop.

He sat at his desk and started writing a letter he would send to Malfoy.

To Malfoy,

I am considerably surprised to receive a letter from you but pleasantly so. I am sorry for not telling you. Since we're not close, I didn't want to reveal everything. Of course, if you'd like, I'll be happy to describe the happenings in my life.

Although I feel better now, my throat still tingles from throwing up yesterday. And I didn't expect you to follow me.

Well anyway, I do hope to see you soon! And yes, I will attend classes today, as I feel alright now. I appreciate your concern. Bye, Malfoy!

From – Potter

Harry tied the letter and gave it to his new owl. She was a birthday gift from Hagrid. Although Hagrid wanted the name to be something absurd, Harry decided to name it Freya.

He saw the little bird fly away, hoping it would reach the person intended without being intercepted.

He again cast a Tempus and saw it was 6:30 a.m. Time flies by fast, huh? Harry thought to himself. And with a better mood and health, he walked down the stairs to the Gryffindor room.

After walking down to the room, Harry saw a few first and third years scratching their quills, a few fifth years playing wizard's chess and other board games, and at the very corner of the room was Hermione, sitting quietly and reading a book. He slowly walked over to the armchair and plopped on the sofa beside Hermione. She looked towards Harry and said a quick 'hi' before she looked back at her book.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Harry quietly asked Hermione.

"Mhm," Hermione answered.

"Are you mad at me?" Harry asked her, not knowing why she was not talking to him.

"No," Hermione replied.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" Harry asked, becoming more impatient with each passing second.

"Oh, Merlin! Can't you ever stop talking?" Hermione snapped.

"Oh... I'll just leave then.." Harry was taken aback because of the sudden apprehension but left nonetheless.

Harry was upset about Hermione lashing at him, but he hoped that was just a misunderstanding.

He went back to his dorm and shoved the sleeping and snoring Ron. Ron woke up in the slowest manner possible before Harry dumped him with cold water. Ron looked up and slapped Harry across his face, who promptly gave him a hysterical laugh. After Ron went to the bathroom, Harry quickly dried up the bed and went to the room.

Ron came out 15 minutes later and went to the room. He saw Harry sitting near the fireplace, deep in thought.

After Ron sat beside him, Harry told him about the incident with Hermione. Ron explained that Hermione'd been looking for a spell to reverse the memory charm she had placed on her parents. She'd been researching since last night with no luck. Just then, Hermione came running towards them.

"Guys! I found it!" Hermione shouted, relief and excitement evident in her tone.

"Wait, you found it?!" Ron asked, surprised.

"Yeah! Now we have to go to Australia to find them." Hermione said, excitement dying down.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Ron questioned.

"Oh, I know where they are. It was a modification charm, so I had known where they were going and when," Hermione said, calming down.

"Oh, Harry, I'm sorry for bursting out earlier. I was just under a lot of stress and-" Hermione was rambling and promptly cut off by Harry.

"'Mione, it's completely alright, I assure you," Harry said, cutting Hermione off before her rambling began.

Ron cast a Tempus, and it was 10 minutes to 8:00 a.m., so the trio walked over to the Great Hall, merrily chatting. They sat down 5 minutes before breakfast.

While they ate and conversed, Blaise, Pansy, and Draco walked over to the Gryffindor table. Blaise tapped on Ron's shoulder, who was sitting right in front of him. The three looked up at them with confusion and Ron's annoyed expression that pretty much explained his hatred towards Deatheater Slytherins and just Slytherins in general. (Specifically Malfoy, but Harry and Hermione hate him saying how disgusting they are, so he just doesn't express it.).

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