Chapter 4- Coming to Terms

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Hermione and Ron were walking out of Madam Puddifoot's when Harry saw them. He quickly ran over to them, and they started talking about what they did, but Harry left out the part about Draco. They happily walked to the castle with the other Gryffindors, merrily talking and chatting. They reached about lunchtime, and after a long day, Harry just couldn't help but feel hungry. While he most likely had an eating disorder, he was happy feeling hungry. He had about two chicken wings, and Hermione and Ron were delighted to see their friend eating something of his own free will.
They had no homework, so they chilled out in the room. Harry was lost in his memories when he remembered Cedric. He blushed and was aware, then Cho and Ginny. Just then, Ginny came walking down the stairs. Hermione and Ron were Merlin knows where, so Ginny sat beside Harry.

They started having a conversation, and then the thing of Ginny being a Lesbian came up. Ginny revealed that she liked a girl in her year, Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood. Harry was surprised but was happy for her anyway.

"Hey, uhm, Ginny?" Harry asked her.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"I think I'm Bisexual".

"What?!" Ginny was quite surprised, and understandably so.


"Why do you think so?" Ginny asked, shock wearing off.

"Oh. Well, uhm, I kinda had a crush on Cedric in fourth year?".

"And you're telling me this now?!". Ginny was annoyed that Harry had kept this from her for so long.

"Sorry!" Harry said apologetically.

"So when do you plan on breaking it to the two lovebirds?" Ginny questioned.

"I don't know.."
"Well, I'll help if you want." Ginny offered.


"Of course!" Ginny replied.

Harry promptly pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. After a bit of chatting, Ginny went to meet with Luna. It was getting pretty late, so Harry went to the Great Hall to try and have dinner. He saw his best friends and sat down beside them. They were talking about lessons, and Harry found it boring. He looked over to the Slytherins' table. What he saw was two grey eyes piercing straight through him. But there was an odd emotion in his eyes. He couldn't place it. He looked away from the piercing gaze of Draco Malfoy and turned his attention to his friends.
He nudged Ginny and asked her if he should do it now. Ginny quickly nodded her head.

"Hey, guys?". All the attention turned to him. He gulped.

"I'm Bi." He announced, releasing a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding.

"We know," Hermione said with a soft smile and a calm expression.

"Wait. How?!" Harry asked, dumbfounded.

"You liked Cedric. It was obvious. And though this may have nothing to do with you being Bi, what was your thing with Malfoy? You obsessed over him since the fourth or fifth year. I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up crushing on him, though I certainly don't expect you to, just because it wouldn't make sense." Hermione replied, still with a calm expression.

Harry blushed at Malfoy's name. He hoped they did not notice.

"It was undeniable, huh..?" Harry said awkwardly.

"Yeah. But we fully support you, mate." Ron said, smiling.

"Thanks, you guys.."

Harry was relieved his friends fully supported him but was confused about the Malfoy thing. Was he obsessed with Malfoy? That was absurd. Sure, he was observant, but he wasn't obsessed, right? He shook the confusing questions and thoughts out of his head and attempted to eat a couple of biscuits.
He ate the biscuit and immediately felt unwell. He excused himself and rushed to the bathroom. Running into an empty stall, he threw up in the toilet. He guessed that the chicken he ate did not do well and that he probably had an eating disorder. Only his close friends knew about it.

He hadn't graduated from Hogwarts nor found a job, so he had to stay with the Dursleys. It did not do well for him. While Dudley was better to him and Petunia didn't abuse or bother Harry that much, Vernon was a pain in the arse. He did not know about the new relationship within the family, so Petunia and Dudley had to bully and abuse him (Though when Vernon wasn't there, they helped him heal). Turns out, he wasn't that kind to his wife or his son. Harry had new bruises on his skin and had regular nightmares about the war and family. His life sucked. Like really. It sucked.

After dry-coughing a couple of times, he was exhausted.

About 10 minutes after the entire scenario, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny came to find him. They found him sitting on the bathroom floor, looking mentally and almost physically dead.

They cast a lightness charm on him and took him to his room. He fell asleep when they did the spell, so Ron took him to bed. Meanwhile, Draco watched the whole spectacle as he secretly followed Harry to the bathroom and felt concerned for his 'friend'. He went to his room, wrote a letter and sent it to Harry through his owl.

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