Chapter 7- The Fight and The Apology

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Harry ran out of the Great Hall, feeling pretty awkward about the encounter with the Slytherins. Harry knew that Ron hated the Slytherins, and for a good reason, but that didn't mean that Ron needed to be so rude to them. Harry understood that Ron was struggling to deal with the loss of Fred. However, Ron was acting extra strange these days.

Ron always had the habit of getting easily angered. But now, it was even worse. And Harry felt that Ron was losing feelings for Hermione as well. But it was not the time for that. Harry had to find Ron, and fast.

After running for ages, he found Hermione sitting alone on a bench outside. He approached her and asked her what happened to her.

Ron had fought with her and left her alone in the hallway. She came outside and just sat quietly on the bench.

He helped Hermione get up, and the two started walking inside the castle, hoping to find Ron.

After a few minutes of running, they stumbled across a more or less empty hallway. They saw Ron at the very corner of the hallway. He looked tired and upset. His face was red, with a few tears at the corner of his eyes.

They hauled him up and took him to their dorm. Hermione sat on one of the sofas while Harry took Ron to the bathroom. He splashed some water on Ron's face.

Ron immediately woke up. When he saw Harry, he was once again mad. He quickly ran out of the bathroom, Harry following close behind.

When Ron noticed Harry following him, he turned back and insulted him.

"Oh, no! You love meddling with those Deatheater freaks, don't you?! How about you become them!" Ron said, venom and anger evident in his tone.

"Ron.." Harry tried cutting him off but to no avail.

"You think forgiving them is a great fucking idea, huh?! Did you ever realise that they may not have changed at all?! You were always the Chosen One! I think you just liked the fame, didn't you?! You selfish jerk!" Ron shouted, fury revealing itself in his eyes.

"Ron," Harry said, losing his patience but trying to hold it together for Hermione, who was watching the spectacle.

"You're a bitch! How about you go to the Sorting Hat and become a Slytherin since you love them so much!?" Ron said, anger boiling in his veins.

After about five minutes of belittling and making him mad, Ron finally stopped. When he looked at Hermione, tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Meanwhile, Harry looked pissed.

"I-" Ron was looking for ways to explain himself. However, Harry promptly cut him off.

"Save it," Harry said, obviously upset and mad at Ron's hurtful words.

"Ronald! How could you?! First me, now Harry?! We just told you not to fight with the Slytherins! Instead, you fight with us!?" Hermione said, crying and entirely losing her cool.

"Hermione, I'm so sor-" Ron said, desperately trying to fix the situation.

"No! Don't 'sorry' me! You called Harry selfish, a freak and a bitch! And you told me to 'fuck off'! I was trying to calm you down!" Hermione said, sobbing and mad at her boyfriend.

"It is 8:45 a.m. right now. And you decided to fight with us this early in the morning. People are staring at us. There are eleven and twelve-year-olds in this room! Also, you're acting meaner and angrier these days. Don't come to us. You've fucked up badly this time, mate." Harry said, trying hard to maintain his composure.

Harry grabbed Hermione by the wrist and left the room with her, leaving an upset and horrified Ron Weasely standing in the middle of the room with everyone staring at him.

They went outside, desperate for some fresh air. Hermione immediately started to feel better as soon as they reached the gates. They exited the castle with a warm and crisp autumn breeze flowing past them.

They plopped onto the grass, and Harry took Hermione into a sad hug. Hermione was struggling to deal with Ron's behaviour nowadays. Ron knew better than to trauma-dump on Harry. However, he decides to do it on Hermione, and when she says anything against his feelings, he often shouts at her.

After some time, they began strolling on the castle grounds. Hermione felt a lot better now. She started talking to Harry about her troubles, and Harry told her about his. After strolling for about seven to eight minutes, Harry notices Malfoy, Parkinson and Zabini. Hermione saw them as well, and the two walked over to them.

"Hey, guys!" Harry said, hoping that they weren't mad at him.

"Hey, What's up, mate?" Blaise answered in a light-hearted tone.

"You guys aren't mad at us, right?" Hermione asked nervously.

"No, Granger. We were just upset by Weasley's behaviour, is all." Pansy replied.

"Oh, thank God. And we just wanted to say we're sorry for the situation earlier." Harry said.

"Hey, it's okay, mate. Plus, it wasn't your guys' fault." Blaise replied calmly.

"Apology accepted?" Hermione questioned, unable to hide her joy.

"Apology accepted." Pansy smiled.

"I was thinking. Maybe we could give friendship a try?" Harry asked, anticipating the answer.

"Yeah, sure! But wouldn't Weasely be upset about that?" Blaise replied, concerned that something could happen between Weasely, Potter and Granger.

"I don't think we'll talk to him anytime soon..." Harry replied.

"Then, yeah, sure!" Draco answered.

After talking for a while, the five of them went to the castle. Hermione and Harry went to the Gryffindor Dorm, while the other three went to the Quidditch Pitch.

The Slytherin Trials were tomorrow, and Draco and Blaise desperately had to get their game on if they wanted to make it on the team. Pansy was watching them from the bleachers.

After an intense session, Draco and Blaise got changed and met Pansy in the bleachers.

"You two are so ready for tomorrow's tryouts!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Thanks Pans. I just hope that we'll make it on the team. I mean, it is our last year at Hogwarts, so it would just be thrilling to play our favourite sport." Draco told her.

"It's 11:30 a.m. right now. We should probably head inside now." Blaise said, head feeling slightly dizzy from all that flying.

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