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Life was going good. It was going good because everyone made a full recovery...or atleast everyone who survived. Randy, Blair and Sidney were completely fine after awhile but Dewey was stuck with a limp thanks to a stab in the back.

Good news was that they caught Billy soon after he escaped and now he's in prison. Blair still hasn't had the heart to see him. Stu however was in a mental hospital because apparently it was better that way. Blair had wanted to go see him about the letter he wrote but she didn't have the heart to face him either.

They all graduated high school and joined College. Randy and Blair (Bandy) were 3 years strong now which was good, they were happy together. Randy was doing film, Sidney was doing theatre and Blair was doing Journalism. Originally she was going to harvard but after her brother got charged with mass murder her application got rejected pretty much the morning after.

The trio were now apart of a new group that consisted of Derek, Hallie and Mickey. Sidney and Derek started dating a few months ago and Blair had to admit that he was a nice guy. Hallie was a sweet, beautiful girl and Mickey was funny but a little unbearable. Mickey only became apart of the clique because he was in the same film class as Randy and they got on well and to be honest, Mickey fit right in.

None of the trio have spoken to Gale since the book came out. The book painted Blair as some slut bag whore who had a thing with Stu while being with Randy and maybe even knew about the whole thing, a theory, lets not forget that she was presented as some spoiled rich girl. Randy was painted as the usual nerd in movies who just spat out random facts which was only half true. Sidney was presented as a bad person who put the wrong man away and was incompetent of surviving on her own. How Gale presented them annoyed them but what annoyed them more was how she completely degraded Dewey.

However life was still good, little did everyone was about to get worse and worse.

What twisted secret is someone hiding?

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