Getaway car #14

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"I don't want to go" Blair crossed her arms, watching as Mickey basically packed her things for her. Mickey sighed, looking at her annoyed.

"Beth it's safer for you to go with Sidney and it might even help you process Randy" Mickey explained. Originally Blair wasn't supposed to be in the car but they had to think around her now. Mickey was going to find a way to knock her out quickly before he killed Sidney and apparently Hallie now too.

"I don't want to leave you guys behind..." Blair admitted, suddenly intrested in an old picture of the Loomis family in 1994. Mickey smiled to himself before stopping what he was doing and heading towards Blair again, pulling her into another soft hug.

"We'll be fine Beth. If Hallie wasn't coming I would come with you" Mickey admitted, patting Blair's shoulder. Blair chuckled lightly, wiping a tear she didn't even fell down. "Everything will be fine, nothing to worry about" Mickey tried reassuring.

Blair nodded and packed some other things before closing the suitcase. She turned to Mickey and hugged him. "Be safe out here Mick" she mumbled, hoping her friends would make it out alive this time but this time all of them. Mickey smiled and kissed Blair's forehead before helping her bring the suitcases out into the cop car.

Blair gave Mickey one more hug and a goodbye before sitting between Hallie and Sidney in the car.

"Where are we going?" Hallie asked one of the detectives in the front.

"If I told you I'd have to kill you" the detective answered, not looking back at them. That response made both Sidney and Blair uneasy, neither of them wanting to interact with the two detectives.

Hallie scoffed and looked at the two other girls in disbelief. Blair walked as Sidney's eyes widened whilst looking behind Hallie. Before anyone spoke there was a smash and the three girls looked forward to see Ghostface's knife in the side of the detective's neck. The girls screamed in fear whilst the other detective pulled out his gun, not acting fast enough.

Blair tranced (is that even a word?) out of reality and when she came back to be her head was spinning. When she touched her forehead she winced and saw blood. "Shit..." she whispered, looking around the car. She saw Sidney and Hallie passed out and the killer in the driver's seat, all passed out. She jumped when Sidney and Hallie came back from the passed out world and the three looked for a way out.

Sidney noticed the broken barrier and had an idea. "That way" she whispered, pointing at the whole that was made during the collision. Hallie shook her head, not wanting to risk it whilst Blair sighed and started pulling the barrier a bit further so they could fit through.

Sidney carefully claimed out, trying to open the passenger door but failing. She looked back at other two, shrugging her shoulders. The two girls sighed quietly and were trying to figure out another way out.

Before the two could suggest anything they saw Sidney claiming out the Driver's window, right above the killer. "Holy fuck..." Blair gulped. Hallie shook her head in protest, trying to open her door harder. "I didn't come this far to die now" Blair mumbled, following what Sidney did and making it out within 30 seconds, joining Sidney outside the window.

The two girls persuaded Hallie to follow them and she did although sue protested quite a lot. The three then started to run towards campus before Sidney stopped. "What are you doing?!" Hallie whisper-yelled.

"I want to see who he is, that all" Sidney said, going back towards the car.

"Are you insane Sidney?" Blair asked, suddenly freezing. Sidney ignored the two and walked closer towards the wrecked car.

"I'll only be a minute" she answered. When she got to the car she saw the killer wasn't there anymore and immediately turned towards the other two who were staring at her. "Hes not here" she told them. Both of them shrugged, not hearing what Sidney had said. Before Sidney could repeat she saw the killer behind Hallie. "HALLIE WATCH OUT! BEHIND YOU!" She yelled.

As Hallie was about to turn around the Killer's knife collided with her chest before dropped her. Sidney ran, Blair close behind.

Or atleast she thought so.

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