Chapter 5

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When we arrived at the mall we met up with our parents and as always Freen was so sweet to me. If only they knew what an ass she is to me. We got our well my wedding dress as Freen chose a suit .

 We got our well my wedding dress as Freen chose a suit

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After a week it was time for the wedding we went for a beach white themed wedding. During the ceremony or party after the wedding I saw Freen leaving the reception area I followed her. I wish I had just stayed behind and avoid being nosy because the image I saw my rather terrifying  My wife was kissing another woman not even a day has passed and she was already cheating I wished that the ground will open and just swallow me because the image was heart breaking. I wanted to shout and cry but I kept my cries to my self I was deeply sombre that tears just fell voluntarily. I could not handle it and it hit me 

Why , Why was I so affected by this Freen made it pretty clear that she doesn't like me. Why did I had to feel as if my heart was being ripped off my chest it felt as if I was dying but why why did I have to be the one who falls first why when she hates me so much just why. I quickly wiped off my tears when I heard mom calling for me. I fixed my hair and clothes and made me my way to the reception to meet with her .

soon the wedding was over and we went home . Yep we I guess you won't be suprised because we are married but apparently our dads built a house for us. I quickly went to sleep to digest todays events well without even saying anything to Freen. Good thing it was already furnitured so it did not need any work.


Next morning I found Freen sipping coffee while busy reading some paper or document and lord how hot she was in glasses ang looking serious I wanted to melt . God this woman is hot as fuck. 

After a while she felt my presence and told me to sit because she wanted to discuss something with me. She gave me a document and beckoned for me to sign it. "What is this" I curiously asked while looking at the document at hand. "Marriage contract if we are going to be in this excuse of a marriage we need to set some ground rules ok " I nodded and read the document . "Wait it says here that its an open marriage meaning that we" " We are allowed to date other people while we are still married " she cut me off. 'no ' Is what I wanted to  say but it was not negotiable so I just nodded and went on reading the contract. I came across a rule that made my heart skip a beat but I immediately grinned " I didn't know you wanted to fuck me sarocha " I said seductively. She immediately choked on her coffee and just ignored me and just scroll on her phone. 

The contract processed to state that I would be the one getting pregnant but I made a deal with her that I agree if she would only conceive the second one and she agreed. I signing the contract and she said she needed to go to the office . Well because after graduation she took over the business while I continued my studies to get my masters in law but online. Any way after she left I went to sleep because I had class later that day so I needed rest.

I woke up around 6 pm because I was hungry hence I made my way downstairs but only to find freen making out with the girl from yesterday on the couch they did not even notice me so I just got inside the kitchen to avoid over thinking all of this the girl saw me and edged Freen to stop but it seems as if she was avoiding the words the girl was saying. "Baby stop she's here at least show respect to your roommate " right then and there I just stopped preparing to cook and got some fruits. On my way I could hear the girl beginning to moan. I sped up to avoid hearing the sounds coming from them but it seems to get louder and louder. The grunts the moans, the kissing sounds it just seemed to be like a radio in my ears but this time it seems be louder. I completely lost my appetite the banana's and strawberrie's seems to just refuse to pass to y stopped so I just kept the on the table. 

Open marriage sucks it should be me in the place of that girl not her. After analysing the issue at hand in my head I put on my headphones because I could not handle the sounds coming from the other side. I took a deep breath and completed my essay while waiting for the lesson to begin . Roommates huh how entrancing.


Please comment and share ur thoughts on the book .No but would u agree to open marriage or relationship with ur partner. THANK YOU FOR READING UNTIL NEXT TIME BYEEEEEEEEE

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