Chapter 18

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"Go away," I said 

"Becca please open the door" Begged mom 

It had been two days now from the moment I realised I was in my old room, I knew they were going to ask me questions I didn't want to answer. I wasn't ready to open up to my parents no.

"Mom please "

"Becky it has been two days and you haven't eaten anything, come on you want to starve to death" 

"Am not hungry"

"I know but please open the door"

"I promise, I won't ask anything ok "




I stood up from my bed and went towards the door, took a deep breath and opened the door. Immediately mom crushed me into a hug.

"Mom am fine"

"No you are not, you are even thinner"

"You know me and dad have been worried about you"

"Am sorry for worrying you am fine now"

"Ok show me, lets go and eat "

"Am not hungry"

"Just a little please" her voice cracked making me feel guilty 

"Ok lets go, stop crying"


"Becky since when did you have panic attacks " Dad asked making me choke on my food

"Nicholas let her eat first " mom said making me look at her

There is no way in heaven I am talking to my parents about this, so I pushed my food towards mom and emerged from my seat.

"Sit down" Dad said in a cold voice, I have never heard before 

"Ms Mai lock her room and give me the key, its about high time this girl talks"

"M-mom" I stuttered scared about this side of dad

"Sit down and finish your food" he said but I just stood there looking at mom, bad idea


I immediately sat down and took my food and started eating even though my hands were shaking.

After a while I finished eating and looked at mom with sad eyes.

"Nicholas let her go, she finished eating" mom said literally begging dad

"NO, you answer my questions now " 

I kept quiet so he asked 

"When did you start having panic attacks"

He asked calmly 

"Mom you promised no questions" 

"Well am not your mom so you are going to answer me" 

Mom shook her head indicating that I should start talking. I felt like a six year old being interrogated by my parents.

"Seven years ago" I said in the lowest voice, I could master

"And why are we knowing about this now"

"I didn't want you to be worried"

"Well now am more worried that my daughter has been suffering under my roof, I didn't know"

"Am sorry dad"

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