Chapter 20

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After a week, we went to an IVF clinic in England. 

We had to answer a series of questions and after some days, Becky had to be injected. Stupid didn't even tell me she was afraid of needles. 

Right then and there I suggested we switch but she refused saying she would take it. I would always hold her hand every time it happened.

After a series of pain, she was soon fertilized with an embryo. They told us to wait for 2 to 3 weeks till she was pregnant.

We went back home since our parents were suspicious of how long our 'vacation' was taking. 

We never told anyone since we wanted to surprise but after she got pregnant.

After 2 weeks exactly, I reflected on the pain, the lies, and all the nerves but it all came to this moment.

Becky sitting on the toilet seat with two pregnancy tests on the sink surface while I was anxiously fidgeting my hands with my back against the door.

  "God why is it taking so long" I whispered to myself

"Freen can you not, your nervousness is transferring to me " she scolded

"Sorry " I bowed my head

"Ok I think it's been over five minutes let me check" I nodded and she went to the sink and looked at it but said nothing. 

She had her back turned against me so I couldn't see her expression.

"What does it say" Silence 

 "Baby are you ok" Silence makes me stand up

I went to her and turned her around. She was crying so I hugged her and caressed her hair.

Looks like it didn't work.

"It's ok baby we can always try again, it never really works on the first try" I consoled while rubbing her back.

She mumbled something I couldn't comprehend since she was sobbing so I asked her to repeat.

"I said we must be lucky cause we are pregnant" 

I hastily unhugged her and looked into her eyes, eyes widened, mouth agape.

"What" she chuckled and hugged me again

"We are having a baby" she tightened the hug. I couldn't react, I was in shock 

However soon I snapped out of it and embraced her back. I kissed her shoulder rapidly while mumbling thank yous

"I love you so much, Mommy" 

"Aww I love you more Daddy" 


The next morning we went to the doctor to confirm everything and she was pregnant and healthy. We decided to tell our families after the first six weeks since that would be the ultrasound day.

After that, we went to lunch and back home.

Immediately going home Becky rushed to the bathroom and I followed behind.

She was kneeling in front of the toilet with her head on the bowl, throwing up all the lunch she just had. I went towards her and held her hair while rubbing her back.

Now I was on the verge of crying, my baby was crying and hurting and I didn't know what to do.

"If you are crying does that leave me " she said after rinsing her mouth

"Sorry," I said trying to gather myself

"It's normal Freen stop crying ok" I nodded and she hugged me

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