Chapter 19

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The sound of birds chirping flows into the luxurious house of ours. The sunlight that shone through the windows made me slowly open my eyelids. After waking up I don't see the person who slept with me yesterday. I looked at the clock and was surprised to see it was 9 am usually by this time I would be bathing to go to work with Freen. Damn, that girl drained me out last night.

I got off the bed sleepily and used a long white shirt I saw o the closet as my pyjama. When I open the door, I can smell food being cooked downstairs.

I smiled a bit and went down the stairs only to see Freen wearing a blue apron. Tiptoeing towards her, I wrapped my hands on her waist and nuzzled on her neck.

"What are you cooking love" 

She smiled

"Scrambled eggs with some toast and bacon"

"Damn, am lucky as fuck" 

"I know you are, come on sit am almost done "

"Ok" I unwrapped my hands from her waist and sat at the dining room.

I placed one foot on top of the chair and scrolled on Instagram while waiting for her. After a few minutes be began placing the food on the table making me to avert my attention from my phone to the food before me.

I put my leg down and grabbed a piece of bacon and put it in my mouth.

"Hey its hot you will burn yourself at least use a fork little one" She scolded

She came and sat in the chair opposite mine and began placing some food in a plate and passed it to me.

"Use a fork ok" and I just nodded

We ate in silence for a few seconds till Freen cleared her throat making me look at her.

"So, I have booked a flight for us to England next week " I smiled

"Well look who's excited to became a mother" then I winked while she blushed

"You go daddy, so who's eggs are we using" I asked wiggling my eyebrows

"You are the one getting pregnant so you can choose"

"Aww how nice of you ok, I will choose, but not now"

"Ok your choice"

"By the way you look sexy in those pyjamas" 


The fork in my hand falls 

"What's the matter something wrong" she looked at me worryingly 

"No you just.. um.. caught me off guard I guess"

"Aw but its true, when you walked to the dining room, it showed some skin which made me very excited and my tummy tingly" She said touching her stomach

I suddenly felt naughty, the food will be seen later I need to make her tummy tingly again.

Smirking, I raised my foot to rub it against her leg under the table. She frowned and looked at me when she felt my movements. She asked;

"What are you doing"

"I want your tummy to tickle some more" I said now going further towards her thighs.

"Don't play with dark forces" She warned looking at me with dark brown eyes, which were full of emotions. She is the easily aroused type so this was nothing to her.

"Are you not hungry anymore"

"Well am hungry for my Freen more"


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